A New Case - Will Trent
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Dale Merrick sees the boat on fire and has an episode.

Will and Faith go down to examine the murder of the mayor. The mechanic seems shady.

Michael is uninterested in their murder and asks Angie to dinner.

Will explores the boat deck and finds a bloody nail.

Both the mayor and the hunter received toy station wagons.

Amanda remembers this case and is sure it's connected to the recent murders.

While sharing a room with Faith, Will opens up about living in the state home. Will thinks it's odd that the station wagon was parked far from the fireworks.

Amanda arrives, and they go through old files finding a photo of the crime. Will tries to interview Dale Merrick, but he has a bad day.

The mechanic was the third suspect, who reacts hostilely and tries to shoot Faith. Josie shoots him instead.

Angie and Michael discover their suspect was a triplet. Angie throws two candy bars inside, and the triplets explode and fight, laying blame.

Faith and Josie learn it was Dale's son who was the fourth in the Ford Bronco. Amanda and Will find the station wagon and, after exploring it, discover there was a baby that lived.

Faith and Will realize Josie was the killer, who pulls a gun on Faith.

Josie has David and Faith at gunpoint, forcing David to confess to shooting her dad. Faith realizes Josie only wanted revenge.

Faith made contact through another cell. She tries to reason with Josie, who jumps into the lake. Faith hates that place.

After dinner at the Ormewoods, Gina confronts Angie. Angie runs to Will's and confesses she slept with Michael when she was high a few years ago. Will embraces her and cancels his date.

Will Trent
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Will Trent Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Will: What do you think the man was involved in?
Mechanic: Think? Brother, I know. He was one of the lizard people.

Will: And they set his boat on fire. That’s dramatic. Do you think someone was making a statement, maybe political?
Faith: Or it was ghosts? It’s Lake Lanier. They got land and cemeteries that someone just plowed over them, and for what a tourist spot?