Roxanne & Nora - Y: The Last Man
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FLASHBACK: Roxanne and Kate have a confrontation. Kate is scared and wants to leave, promising she won't tell anyone. Kate makes a run for it and Roxanne shoots her from behind. Roxanne runs back to the PriceMax, without Kate, and tells the others to be ready.

PRESENT DAY: Hero and the rest of the women have target practice on the mannequins. Roxanne praises Hero for being a natural shooter and tells all the women that their bodies are meant for strength, not to be used by men. 

Hero tells Sam to try shooting, but he's not into it. Roxanne asks Sam about his past -- Sam tells her he used to be an artist. Roxanne insists that Sam learn how to defend himself, rather than rely on others to do it for him, and he reluctantly takes the gun.

Inside the PriceMax, the kids play in shopping carts. Nora and Nicole watch and chat. Nicole asks Nora where she and Mackenzie will go. Nora is confused, saying she was hoping to stay. Nicole apologizes for speaking out of turn. Nora asks if they voted on it, but Nicole tells her they don't vote.

Nora approaches Roxanne, begging her to let them stay. Roxanne tells her they may stay for a few more days and then they must leave. Nora tells Roxanne she is condemning them to death. 

FLASHBACK: Roxanne enters the women's group home, gun drawn, looking for a shooter. There were gunshots outside and the women are hiding, frightened. Roxanne takes the women to the PriceMax. She explains how she "kept the peace" there in the initial chaos, saying she was a homicide detective. Roxanne questions the women about a possible shooter. They don't trust the police, especially Kate. Roxanne asks who was in charge at the home. They tell her it was Virginia, a counselor, who left almost immediately after the event. Roxanne tells them the home is no longer safe and they are all welcome to stay at the PriceMax from now on.

PRESENT DAY: Roxanne recollects a female colleague, Jenna, and how the men used to talk about her inappropriately. When Roxanne had approached Jenna, she had asked to be left alone. Sam mutters that maybe Jenna just didn't like Roxanne.

Roxanne approaches Hero and Sam. Sam keeps quiet. Roxanne asks Hero to speak. Roxanne asks about Hero's dad and brother. Hero speaks favorably of them both. Hero reflects that Yorick was the "good one" and she herself was always harder to deal with. Yorick understood her and stood up for her. Roxanne wonders what Yorick said about Hero behind her back.

Nora approaches Sam. She says she can get them to DC, but they would need Hero to get in, and Sam should try to convince Hero to leave. Sam is standoffish with Nora, telling her that they are not friends. Nora stresses that she doesn't hold the same Republican, anti-trans views as the former President. Sam chides Nora for not even bothering to get to know him.

Sam approaches Hero, saying that there is a lake not too far away with rich people's summer homes they could stay in. Hero says the PriceMax is a better option -- they have food and water. He says it's a cult and mentions the weirdness with Kelsey. Hero is taken aback by this. When Sam points out how odd it was that Roxanne tried to make her hate Yorick. Hero tells him he should get with Kelsey instead of her -- she's better for him because she's dumb. Sam tells Hero that even if the two of them actually got together, Hero would get tired of him and dispose of him. 

Sam and Hero's voices are raised. The women, including Roxanne, have been eavesdropping. Sam tells Hero she's his family and begs her to come with him, but she says it's good here. Sam calls her out for not being his friend, even though he loves her. Roxanne intervenes, asking Sam to apologize. Hero tries to defend Sam. He refuses to apologize. Hero tells Roxanne she's fine and Roxanne tells the ladies to disperse.

That night, Sam gets up and packs some supplies, preparing to leave. Roxanne finds him and accuses him of stealing, but tells him to go. Sam tells her Hero is a good person. Roxanne assures Sam that they will take care of Hero and that she is not his problem anymore. Sam leaves.

FLASHBACK: Roxanne drags a pile of bodies into a pile. She tries to light the pile on fire, but the wind blows out the flame, and her lighter stops working. Roxanne finds a state trooper car with a body in it. She also finds a beautiful horse, which she follows to the women's group home. Roxanne keeps her distance, unseen, and watches from a distance. 

PRESENT DAY: In tears, Hero cleans up Sam's bunk, Roxanne comforts her, telling her how Sam had been planning to leave for a while, and how her husband had left her.

Roxanne takes Hero to a bonfire outside. The women are all in pink. It's a "Fuck Him!" party. Roxanne tells Hero to throw Sam's hat in the fire. Hero does, and the women cheer for her.

Nora watches from the sidelines as the party grows more raucous. The women dance and drink. She watches Mackenzie dance with sparklers. Nora calls Mackenzie over and suggests that they head home. Mackenzie asks what Nora has done to get them kicked out. Nora insists that nothing like that has happened. Mackenzie insists that she wants to stay.

Later, when the party is over, Nora watches Roxanne as she sleeps. As the only one awake, Nora goes back outside and drinks. The bonfire continues to burn. Nora finds the lighter fluid and dribbles it into a line leading into the PriceMax. She kicks a flame into the line of lighter fluid. 

The PriceMax burns. Nora gets Hero and Mackenzie. Everyone evacuates safely.

FLASHBACK: Roxanne pushes the state trooper car into the water. She cleans up the PriceMax, puts on her holster, starts a truck, and creates the wall of trucks that surround the entrance of the PriceMax. Roxanne lies in the field near the group home, listening to the women singing. She fires her gun into the air and readies herself to enter the home. 

PRESENT DAY: Sam enters an old abandoned school. He finds an old music room and plays the piano. An older woman enters as introduces herself as Principal Blackwell. She says the children will be back one day -- that is why she's still here. Sam tells her he'll leave, but she says he doesn't need to rush off. He continues to play the piano and she sings along.

At the PriceMax, the women argue about who was supposed to put out the fire. Nora checks in with Hero, talking about her own mother. Hero is confused at why Nora is bringing this up. Nora mentions President Brown, saying she knows what she's like but she would still forgive Hero. Hero states that she is not going to the Pentagon.

FLASHBACK: Roxanne watches Law and Order.

PRESENT DAY: By the river, Nora fills a backpack of supplies she has squirreled away. She sees another vulture. Nora finds the old state trooper vehicle, stuffed with rotting corpses. Inside it, she spies a small tag. She pulls it off and pockets it.

FLASHBACK: Roxanne cleans up the PriceMax. Two women run in with guns and shoot each other, while Roxanne watches, hiding. Roxanne grabs the gun and hides. A third woman comes in and Roxanne shoots her. As more women come in, Roxanne keeps using them as target practice.

PRESENT DAY: Roxanne salvages what she can from the PriceMax. Nora approaches her, asking to talk. Roxanne does not want to, but Nora insists, saying Roxanne needs her but she doesn't know it yet. Nora tells Roxanne she found the police car with the bodies and accuses Roxanne of killing all those people. She flashes Roxanne's PriceMax name tag. Nora demands to be in the inner circle, with priority given to her and Mackenzie for food, and that Roxanne never again mentions her husband or son. 

FLASHBACK: Roxanne, assistant manager at the PriceMax, is getting a talking to from her male boss, Terry. Roxanne had made a complaint about a male co-worker grabbing a female co-worker's ass. Terry gives the man a warning but insists to Roxanne that the flirting is mutual between the two. Roxanne insists the woman is a teenager and the man is in his thirties. Terry accuses Roxanne of stealing a Law and Order box set. He suggests that maybe she came back to work too soon, and he puts her on notice.

PRESENT DAY: Kelsey reads Hero's palm, and referring to Hero's comments to Sam, tells her she's not dumb. Kelsey says you can't get to know someone else you give them a chance. She says Hero's palm bears the "ring of Solomon" which indicates that she will serve others for the good of mankind.

Roxanne calls everyone together. She tells them how her husband left her during her breast cancer treatment, how she felt worthless. She speaks of the Amazons, warrior women from Greek mythology. She declares that the world belongs to them now. The women cheer. Nora and Mackenzie smile at each other, as Nora tucks Roxanne's nametag into her pocket. 


Y: The Last Man
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Y: The Last Man Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Did I give you the impression that we're friends?


You're angry. I don't blame you. I know what it's like to wake up in a life you didn't ask for.
