Dealing With Repercussions - Yellowstone
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John attempts to tame a wild horse. It throws him off several times as he tries to ride it. He says this is a job for a young man with rubber bones and glances at Jimmy, who is shoveling manure across the way.

Rip gets Jimmy and duct tapes him to the horse. Jimmy is frightened and confused. The other cowboys make bets on the horse. They all watch as Jimmy struggles to stay on the bucking horse. Another cowboy remarks that he doesn't miss being low man. John explains that's what makes cowboys out of men.

Tate watches as Kayce flips a tractor and asks why he did that. Kayce tells him to get in the house but he won't. Kayce tells him to cover his ears and open his mouth wide. Kayce shoots and blows up the tractor, scaring Monica, who's pissed off about the whole thing. The blast reveals a bunch of bones.

Jamie is called into the governor's office. He learns that a medical report shows that a third person must have shot Monica's brother. Jamie says it's still self-defense, but it's not that simple. Federal agencies will get involved and they will be investigating a possible cover-up. Jamie asks for time to deal with this. He gets a week.

Beth is no help, as she's drinking, taking pills, and being snarky. Jamie goes to John, who is sure he can get at least one of the agents to take their side. The other he doesn't know. Jamie tells him t hey're gonna dig up Lee's body with or without proof and that the ME report will show that Kayce executed Monica's brother.

John visits Tate and Kayce. He tells Tate that Montana used to be underwater and that a predator probably got the dinosaur. Tate asks if an explorer will someday find their bones. John says there will be no explorers when we're gone. He excuses himself to talk to Kayce, who insists he told the truth about what happened to Lee and to Monica's brother.

Jamie tells John that Rainwater has informed the tribal police. However, there is some good news: the ME might have been fired for cause elsewhere, for smoking embalming fluid, which would mean that his findings are inadmissible. John wants to talk to Rip about that.

Rip is watching Jimmy and the horse. John says that Jimmy quit a long time ago and will never be anything but a favor. However, when they finally free Jimmy, the horse has been broken in. Jimmy is asked to lead it to the stable. Jimmy retches on the way but John is surprised to see he's somewhat of a cowboy.

Meanwhile, Rainwater looks at the report and tells the tribal police officers that if Kayce shot Long, it's not just a tragedy. He wants more information.

Beth sees Rip walking and wants him to ask her on a date someplace that fits her personality more than a music festival. He suggests getting drunk and watching an elk kill a wolf.

John goes to the rodeo with his friend Carl, the father of Agent Reynolds. They discuss how Carl can't get his boy to stop doing rodeos. John tells him to tell Toby to stop saying that Kayce brought Lee home. Carl agrees to take care of it.

Rip and Beth watch the elk. Beth notices that Rip has aged. He says she doesn't look like she has. He tells her everything dies, but she may cheat death. Beth runs after the elk. She tells Rip she's cheating death like he said. Everything she loves dies, but never her.

John talks to Beth. He wonders if cremation will damn Lee's soul. She says Kayce was their mother's favorite so John must protect him.

John goes to church. He tells the priest he needs him to help him commit a sin.

The priest makes a sermon about how false witness isn't about lying, it's about hurting one y our flock. After the service, his son Aaron comes up to him, needing to talk.

Kayce calls his Navy contact and asks to go back to the service. Monica overhears but says only that they'll be late. 

While driving, she wants Kayce to tell her the truth. Kayce is about to when there is an explosion. Probably a meth lab. He finds a dying man who begs him to kill him.

Kayce goes to get his gun. Monica insists on coming with him. The ambulance is 45 minutes away so there's no point in waiting.

Kayce kills the man. The tribal police arrive. The tribal sheriff switches slides with Kayce's gun so that Kayce won't be implicated. Rainwater insists Kayce come with him rather than going to get Tate from school.

In front of a fire, Rainwater suggests that once you are branded you don't switch sides. Kayce says he can't help who his father is. Rainwater tells him all men are bad and some try to be real good. They are attending some sort of ceremony that Rainwater says never ends til you die.

Kayce sees a wolf in the road but can't stop it from being run over. It's not clear if this is real or a vision of some sort.

Monica puts Tate to bed. He doesn't want her to read him the dinosaur book. Only Daddy because it's a secret. Daddy isn't here, but he still refuses to let Monica read to him.

Rip visits the ME's office. He finds the ME getting high off embalming fluid and makes it clear he's going to kill him to keep him quiet. The ME begs for his life but Rip doesn't think he really wants to live. The man asks for a cigarette. Rip lets him have one before killing him and setting a fire, destroying the only copy of the report.

Kayce finally comes home. Monica wants him to stay. He is sure she won't be able to forgive him for what he did. He goes to see Tate, who wants him to help him dig up and move the dinosaur bones so no one can take them.

John puts Lee's ashes on Evelyn's grave.

Music plays while Monica stands in the living room crying.

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Yellowstone Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Tate: What happened to the tractor?
Kayce: I flipped it.
Tate: Why'd you do that? What's that?
Kayce: Get in the house.
[Kayce picks up a rifle.]
Tate: I think the tractor's already dead.

Man: I don't miss being low man.
John: Low man is what turns you into cowboys. We'll make him [Jimmy] into one too.