Liza, Kelsey, and Lauren - Younger Season 7 Episode 9
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Liza and Charles meet with a famous husband-wife author team who are writing a new spy novel.

The two are in the running to be the editors, until Charles learns they want to publish the book under a pen name.

Charles decides to pass, and Liza calls him out for being stubborn.

Lauren lets it slip to Quinn that Charles proposed to Liza before they broke up, and Quinn wants to know if there are any red flags.

Liza reveals she just didn't want to get remarried, and Quinn says she feels the same way, though she later implies she would have accepted a proposal from Charles.

Readers are going crazy over Dylan Park's chapters, and Liza and Kelsey take a meeting with Redmond, who wants to represent her.

Not wanting to let that happen, Kelsey decides to give Dylan Park an advance with the money she was going to use as a down payment to buy a new apartment.

Kelsey then comes up with an idea on how to monetize Dylan's book by creating an app.

Kelsey also starts dating Rob, and Lauren warns her it's a bad idea, as Rob is Clare's ex-boyfriend.

Kelsey promises that she'll break it off but doesn't.

Maggie is inspired to create new art show but no gallery wants to represent her and ends up showing at a restaurant.

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Younger Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Kelsey: OK, so first an unsolicited tix pic and now a FaceTime call with no warning.
Rob: I thought it was a fun surprise.
Kelsey: No, in fact, most people would consider this like a terrorist act.
Rob: Well, I need a social media etiquette class or a personal tutor.
Kelsey: I don’t tutor.

Charles: It’s still not something we would publish.
Liza: Well, someone wanted to publish her.
Charles: And let people her work for free.
Liza: Well sometimes content is for free. That’s what Inkubator is all about.
Kelsey: And Dylan’s next book might be worth some money. We’re just helping her get there.
Charles: But I also need you get to work on books people will actually pay to read.