The gang - Younger Season 7 Episode 8
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Liza tells Caitlin about her breakup with Charles, and Caitlin asks for her mother's help in securing Quinn as the recepient of an award.

Liza, David, Charles, Quinn, and Catilin attend the event, and it's awkward all around. 

Liza sees a different side of Quinn and begins to understand where she's coming from.

Cass apprises Maggie of the tweets calling her out as transphobia and says she may have to take action.

Maggie goes to Josh for help and realizes Cass is behind the tweets

Cass then fires Maggie, not believing Maggie when she claims not to have slept with Camila.

Maggie’s art show is then canceled.

Kelsey, Lauren, Liza, Maggie, and Josh watch Kelsey’s reality episode where she is portrayed as having a crush on Brett.

Kelsey blames Lauren and learns Lauren signed four-episode contract for Kelsey.

Kelsey can’t quit but can be fired, so Lauren suggests Kelsey be the opposite of crazed reality star.

Brett tries to get Kelsey to be flirtatious. Kelsey, though, tries to be dull but ends up going off on Brett and storms off.

Kelsey runs into Rob and goes on off him too.

However, she later thanks him after Rob got Kelsey out of her contract. He asks Kelsey out, but she says no.

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Younger Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

Cass: We have to clear up a little problem first.
Maggie: I thought we did.
Cass: Not the boobs, the tweets. Have you seen these?
Maggie: Well, I don’t pay attention to the critics. Not true artist does.
Cass: They’re not critics. They’re students apparently and quite angry. You don’t want effigies burning in the quad. Believe me, they made one of me last year over the tuition increase. Not flattering. I was in a plaid suit.
Maggie: I read one or two of them. They’re completely ridiculous. Inappropriate? How am I inappropriate?
Cass: You got to be careful. These kids are incredibly woke, and your work goes all the way back to the ‘90s. Just think, there could be other skeletons in your closet, and what about the Halloweens?
Maggie: What Halloween?
Cass: There have been a lot of Halloweens. Look, I’m your ally here, but if the students turn on you…
Maggie: It’s one or two tops. Maybe they don’t like Italians. I’m the one who should be angry.

Caitlin: What happened?
Liza: He wanted to get married again, and I just didn’t.
Caitlin: Yeah, that’s a fast proposal. Must be an old guy thing. No time to lose before they head toward that light.
Liza: No, he’s just traditional.
Caitlin: Are you OK, mom? I mean you really loved him, and you still have to work with him.
Liza: It’s fine. We’re adults. I guess the only problem is…
Caitlin: Quinn Tyler. Is that Quinn Tyler?
Liza: Uh, right, yep, that is Quinn Tyler.
Caitlin: Have you read her new book? It’s amazing.
Liza: Honey, we published it.
Caitlin: Wait, so you know her? She would know your face?
Liza: Honey, she kinda would.
Caitlin: I gotta meet her. She’s my hero.