Sense8: 75 Sense8tional Moments from the Series Finale!

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73. When Rajan Was All of Us

Rajan was the character who shined most during the finale, and his final scene and final words summed up everything we could possibly think ourselves. How can this series, these characters, this cast, this feeling be possible?! Also, go you, Rajan! Now, hush like Kala told you to, and get back in on that orgy!

74. An Orgy, Of Course!

Is it even Sense8 if they don't have an orgy? Of course not! The finale gave us one of the biggest and best orgies on the show, and probably in television, but I'm no expert on orgies, so don't quote me on that. The City of Love and Nomanita's wedding must have put everyone in the mood because every couple and trio were getting it on, and it led to a linked orgy that had everyone piled up like puppies. Pretty, pretty naked puppies. Also, somehow Bug made it in there, and Sense8 fans are still trying to figure that one out. Anyhoo, this sexy series that tackled human sexuality in all of its forms literally went out with a bang.

75. A Tribute

I'm not going to share the scene prior to this fade to black tribute to the fans, but the rainbow-colored phallic device definitely made it a full-circle moment. The series ended the way it begins, with Nomanita's sex toy. That followed by the simple black background with "For our fans" was a nod at the global outcry when the series was canceled without getting a proper sendoff. Well, Sense8 Fanatics, we got our sendoff! Many thanks to all who made it possible. The love letter to fans was beautiful.

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