11 Shows That Outwore Their First Season Welcome

There are a lot of shows that should have never made the cut for a sophomore run. Take these, for example! Then, argue your points along with ours.

13 TV Shows That Suffered a Sophomore Slump

Have a look through our gallery of shows that noticed a drastic dip in quality in Season 2. Do you agree with these choices?

2015-2016 Renewal Scorecard

What has been renewed? What has been canceled? Click through this extensive photo gallery and learn the fate of your favorite sitcom or drama.

Resurrection Quotes

Bellamy: Did your son go missing sir?
Mr. Langston: Why?
Bellamy: I have him. He's OK.
Mr. Langston: Well that would be fairly unlikely. My son died 32 years ago.

Is he dead?
