The Flash Photos from "Finish Line"

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Team Flash needs to regroup and create a new plan to stop Savitar on The Flash Season 3 Episode 23 "Finish Line."

But will they be able to do that while dealing with the horror of witnessing Iris' death?

In the photos below, Barry and Joe are having a hard time holding themselves together. While that's not a surprise, Savitar-Barry's reappearance at the lab is suspicious.

Judging by his expression, Savitar-Barry is not reveling in his win. Have the tides turned in favor of Team Flash?

Flip through the photos, and then share your thoughts with us! What would you like to see unfold during "Finish Line?"

If you need to catch up, you can watch The Flash online anytime!


1. Is Iris Dead? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

We know how it looks. Barry watched the love of his life die for real this time. But we've seen The Flash change time and cheat death before. Can Iris be saved? What will it cost Barry?

2. Shock and Disbelief - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Our hearts are breaking for Joe. Even though we believe Iris will somehow survive, we can't imagine how horrible it must have been for Joe to witness his little girl's death. Someone hug him right away!

3. Grief Counseling - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

If Iris does die, how will Joe and Barry ever move on? We've seen a glimpse of the future, and it does not look bright for either one of them. Maybe Barry's learned his lesson and won't make the same mistake again.

4. Poor Joe - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

It's been a rough year for Joe. He nearly lost Wally to the allure of speed and now he may have lost Iris forever. How will he ever recover? We hope he starts by helping the team eliminate Savitar.

5. Brokenhearted - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Barry's greatest fear has become a reality. Iris West, the love of his life, is dead. Not only that, he's blaming himself. Because even though Savitar killed her, Barry's choices created him. That's a lot of guilt to handle.

6. Time for Plan B - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Where does Team Flash go from here? Tracy's device didn't work. Savitar killed Iris. Has he proven himself unstoppable? Will Barry and Joe and the others be able to see past their grief? They have to because they can't let Savitar win.

7. Stunned - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Is Barry still in shock from seeing Iris' death? Or is the speedster already facing a new threat? We're guessing it's the latter, and someone unexpected has shown up at STAR labs. Any guesses?

8. Unease - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Where was Julian when the big battle went down? We hope he was tied up in the lab, desperately working on a way to help Caitlin. But judging from the look on his face, it doesn't appear things are going well.

9. Two Barrys - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23 it us or does Barry look a little too calm while standing next to the man who killed Iris? And why is Savitar-Barry pouting? Didn't he get everything he wanted? We're confused, but also excited to find out what's happening!

10. Angsty Villain - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

We have so many questions. Why is Savitar-Barry back at the lab? Who's he talking to? Why does it look like he lost the battle rather than ruined everyone's lives? Maybe Team Flash had a better plan than we thought.

11. Attack! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Killer Frost and Savitar-Barry's team up has not been good for anyone. Who is she attacking now? And why does she look so apprehensive about it? Could Caitlin Snow be breaking through once again? We need her back.

12. Excuse me? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Is there anyone cooler than Vibe? No, there is not. Even under pressure, he does not have time for villain nonsense. We believe Cisco's going to get through to Caitlin. And help stop Savitar. Because he can do it all.

13. Working Together? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

This looks promising! Killer Frost and Vibe are standing side by side rather than fighting one another. Do we dare hope Caitlin's regained control? Then again, whatever they're staring at can't be a good thing.

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The Flash Season 3 Episode 23: "Finish Line"
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The Flash Season 3 Episode 23 Quotes

Iris [reads future newspaper]: Iris West-Allen.
Barry: It changed back.
Joe: Does that mean what I think it means?
Barry: Yeah, Joe. The future's ours again.

Tracy: Why are you doing this?
H.R.: I couldn't be a coward. I'm not a coward.