Katharine McPhee Supports Sanjaya Malakar

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The war in Iraq. Sanjaya Malakar.

These appear to be the two biggest areas of debate in the country at the moment. Let's see where last season's runner-up, Katharine McPhee, falls on the latter question.

“First of all, I think Sanjaya is an absolute phenomenon,” she said in an interview with Jam! Showbiz. ”Every year, there’s something that makes the show even bigger than it was the year before. I’m on the Sanjaya train! I’m like, ‘Go Sanjaya!’”

If not for the show, McPhee also acknowledges shemight not be with us today.

“I do believe American Idol saved my life,” she confessed. “Finally, it felt like doors were opening for me and the dark clouds were separating. Making it to the finals really saved me. I was able to find what I was passionate about, which was important because the things you love in life will eventually overcome the demons.”

And she’s perfectly okay with having to prove herself to a few skeptics.

“There are certain challenges being from American Idol, like the (proving your) legitimacy thing, but there’s much less of that now. Look at Kelly Clarkson and Reuben (Studdard) and Jennifer Hudson — they’ve all sold records and it’s proving that real artists do come out of Idol. I’m grateful for that,” McPhee said.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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