The City Recap: "The Past Catches Up"

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Last night on The City, Whitney Port and her model gal pal Allie confronted their respective, possibly-cheating boyfriends after a trip to Miami.

Adam Senn and Jay Lyon (losers pictured below) did the cheating... maybe. It is implied, but never stated. And they deny it repeatedly. So we aren't sure.

As viewers, we are left in exactly the same suspicious, yet not entirely convinced limbo as Whitney and Allie. Which is probably the point.

It wasn't the worst episode ever, despite the fact that Allie seems determined NOT to hear the truth regarding her moron, spray-tanned beau.

Follow the link for a full recap of "The Past Catches Up" ...

Adam Senn, Jay Lyon

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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