The City Reviews

The City Review: "Stage Fight"

The City Review: "Stage Fight"

Last night on The City, Whitney Port received a fright on stage, but she wasn't the one on it. That was Lights, who was supposed to model Whitney's line, but did not.
Posted in: The City
The City Review: "One Girl's Trash"

The City Review: "One Girl's Trash"

The City proved superior to The Hills once again last night for showing characters and stories one might actually find interesting. In "One Girl's Trash," a few of them even surprised us.
Posted in: The City
The City Review: Fashion Week Flubs

The City Review: Fashion Week Flubs

Fashion Week came and went on The City again. This time, though, Louise Roe caused a major row at Elle and Whitney had more career opportunities magically fall in line.
Posted in: The City