30 Rock Quotes: "The Funcooker"

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On last Thursday's 30 Rock, all hell broke loose with Liz out of the office trying to evade jury duty, and Jack was desperate to find a catchy name for his pocket microwave.

Ah, 30 Rock. Based on the description above, you knew "The Funcooker" would offer up some truly ridiculous story lines and a bunch of classic, nonsensical one-liners.

Below is a sampling of quotes from "The Funcooker." Prepare to laugh - and feel free to check out our library of 30 Rock quotes from all three seasons of the show!

Liz Lemon Lights Up
Dr. Leo Spaceman: I understand now what it's like have too much on your plate. Between my medical practice and this job, I'm being pulled in a bunch of different directions. | permalink
Dr. Leo Spaceman: My lab work is in the field of sleep research, mostly because I checked the wrong box on a form once. | permalink
Dr. Leo Spaceman: [on his sleep study] It's being funded by the U.S. military and the WNBA. | permalink
Liz: [on plan to get off jury duty] I've got my Princess Leia outfit and my copies of Playgirl magazines from the early '80s. | permalink
Tracy: [to Jenna] Wake up motherf****r!" | permalink
Kenneth: Are you pickling squirrel meat? Cause I can lend you my skullpresser. | permalink
Jack: [on developing the pocket microwave]: Most of that time was spent trying to come up with a hip, edgy name that would appeal to the marketing holy trinity: college students, the morbidly obese, and homosexuals. | permalink

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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