Smallville Quotes of the Week from "Metallo"

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This week's episode of Smallville marked a major development in series lore.

As John Corben, Brian Austin Green was transformed into Metallo. This spells trouble for Lois, who dreams of a torn cape with the iconic "S" symbol on it.


While viewers anxiously await next week's installment of this long-running CW series, relive last night's hour with the Smallville quotes below:

Lois: Clark Kent. You're back. I was beginning to think your family lived on some distant planet.
Clark: Must have really missed me.
Lois: Uh, only because the guy who sat in your desk was a certifiable psychopath. Otherwise, I've been so busy, I didn't even notice you were gone.
Clark: Missed you, too, Lois. | permalink
Corben: Control myself? That's easy for you to say. It doesn't take... much to stay in control when you watch from the shadows. You stand apart from the world... while the rest of us live in it. Even when it breaks your heart. | permalink
Clark: I told you: there is no Clark Kent.
Chloe: No disrespect to your Kryptonian calling, but coming back to feed the dog is about as human as it gets. | permalink
Lois: I just came to tell you that I'm not leaving the Daily Planet.
Tess: You were never leaving, Lois. I fired you.
Lois: Well, I'm not going to get into the whole "she said, she said" thing with you. | permalink

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."