Alaric Saltzman Speaks: Matt Davis on Vampire Diaries Role

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Is he a vampire? A vampire slayer? A human sporting the ring of his late, blood-sucking wife?

The jury is still out on Alaric Saltzman, who debuted this week on The Vampire Diaries.

While fans debate this character in our forum, TV Guide caught up with Matt Davis and probed him for hints, scoops and spoilers. Here's what the actor offered...

Is Alaric a good guy or bad guy? It's not so clearly defined. He has a dark side, and I think he's not always going to do the right thing. How that compels him remains to be seen.

Alaric Saltzman Debut

How will Alaric impact Jeremy? I think that Alaric sees him as the troubled teen that he is. Because of Alaric's own history and background, he reaches out and gives Jeremy the opportunity to redeem himself. Alaric clears the decks, in an academic sense, and provides a stable, understanding presence in his life. Jeremy begins to respect Alaric.

How long will he stick around? Right now, I don't really know. The joke on the set is that getting called down to the effects department to be fitted for a body mold is the kiss of death. They have to fit you for prosthetics so you can be staked in the heart or something.

Davis added that Saltzman doesn't know Stefan and Damon are vampires, which removes the possibility he arrived in Mystic Falls to take them down. Why is he here in that case?

Send us your theories today!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
