American Idol Review: Casey Ya!

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Kara may still crush on him, but we can only hope America's love affair with Casey James come to an end this evening.

The singer is perfectly nice and not untalented, yet anyone that watched last night's American Idol performance show must admit: he's not in the same league as Lee DeWyze and Crystal Bowersox.

The trio of crooners sang two singles each, one chosen themselves and one by the judges. Both of Casey's renditions were the worst of the night, from an underwhelming "OK, It's Alright With Me" to a rendition of "Daughters" that was made interesting by a guitar solo, not James' actual voice.

DeWyze, conversely, received universal praise for "Hallelujah." It's been heard a million times before on Idol, but that didn't stop Kara from dubbing Lee as "the heart of the show" after he performed the classic.

Singing Hallelujah
Crystal Performs

And that's what it may come down to next week, assuming Lee and Crystal make the finals.

DeWyze connects with the audience as well as anyone in years, while Bowersox can often come across as condescending, like she's too good for American Idol. But she can definitely sing, as Simon seemed almost shocked last the notes she hit on "Maybe I'm Amazed."

Do you agree that Casey should be eliminated this week? If so, it will at least set up a finale with no clear favorite.

Lee has come on strong over the last month, while Crystal has struggled to match her powerful performance of "People Get Ready." We actually do look forward to their showdown on Tuesday... assuming America does the right thing tonight and sends James packing.

Please do so.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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