Big Brother Spotlight: Matt Hoffman

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With season 12 of Big Brother debuting tomorrow night, we've been previewing the contestants viewers will be cheering on - or booing out of the building - over the course of this reality show's summer run.

Last week, it was Kathy Hillis. Now, le's meet Matt Hoffman.

A 32-year old Web designer from Chicago, Hoffman has been applying for the show since its second season. Finally successful, he has a message from his experience: "Kids, follow your dreams!"

Talking to Zap2It, he added of Big Brother: "It's just a passion of mine... this is it, this is the show that I wanted to be on."

Matt Hoffman

As for Matt's strategy, he says he'll "make sure to have a one-on-one or a small group conversation with every single person in that house" within the first 24 hours.

The goal? To have an already-established relationship with the winner of first HOH. We'll be tuning in to see how that goes.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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