Scoundrels Review: "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire"

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Scoundrels can't hide forever.

Last night Logan West, a.k.a. the clean one, finally showed his true family colors, after we learned that he had to tell a lie to get his job at the swanky law firm he works at.

His bosses think he is part Cahuilla Native American, so he is now in charge of handling a case for the tribe, which ends up going haywire after he uncovers key evidence.

Enlisting Hope to teach him how to speak the language, he's about sealed the case until his colleague, Hugh, steals the evidence and with it, the credit. Oh it is so on now.

Logan enlists Cal, Cruz, and Billy to secretly break into Hugh’s apartment and get the briefcase with the evidence while he distracts Hugh with - what else - tequila shots.

Gimme 5

Heather shows she's very flexible. Vocationally.

Always a foolproof strategy.

It was neat to see this new side of Logan in "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire." The rest of his family members were pretty much living up to our expectations for their various hijinks.

Meanwhile, Heather has a new job as a waitress at a “gentleman’s club” if you could call it that. Cheryl is not pleased that she's working at a strip joint, but it's just waitressing!

Speaking of Cheryl, local car salesman Alan Markham had been putting the moves on her, and the family friend was arrested and taken into custody after a tip from Wolf West.

Cheryl really is trying to keep things on the straight and narrow, but it's clear that's no easy task, given the types of people she associates with and her lack of real world skills.

She goes to see Wolf in jail, and was pretty ticked at him for ratting out a friend. Wolf says he had reason to be suspicious of that guy putting the moves on his girl - so be it.

An enjoyable episode all around, although we see little reason why this summer won't be the beginning and end for the series. Too much untapped potential and too little time.

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (4 Votes)

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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