Bachelor Pad Review: Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Zzzzz

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We can't believe Bachelor Pad exists, that we watched it, or that we are doing reviews of it here at TV Fanatic. But this is kind of what we do. So here goes nothing.

If anarchy, oversexed singles and a hybrid of Big Brother and The Bachelor appeals to you, this show probably seems awesome. But both are better individually.

It's just not that compelling to watch heavy petting between Jesse Beck and Natalie, or the trumped up conflict between "insiders" and "outsiders." We're just over it.

Don't get us wrong. We'll be there when The Bachelor returns. It's just that watching Bachelor rejects compete in a pie-eating contest is not must-see TV. That's all.

Gettin' Dirty on BP

Weatherman Jonathan has a moment he will cherish forever.

Gia and Weatherman Jonathan ended up winning said contest. Both made it a strategy to pick people who weren't already in pairs. Gia even gave a rose to Craig M.

Weatherman's date not only involved women slathering paint all over their bodies, it actually made him seem quite genuine and likable. Weatherman gets a bad rap.

He even put himself out there and admitted he has feelings for Gwen, who said it was "not gonna happen." Poor Weatherman. The producers set him up for a fall.

Gia chose Wes, Craig and Jesse Beck, after which Wes decided to declare his love for Gia, who somehow reciprocates at least some feelings? This is so absurd.

Wes gets the rose. Because she follows her heart, or the cue cards. It's really quite unclear, but more Wes equals more viewers for ABC. Just saying, it's true.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Jesse Kovacs are back together, or something. Jessie tries to work both sides of the house but just comes off like ... someone shady.

Once again, it's two hours of strategy, rumor spreading and hormones off the hook. In the end, if anyone cares, Craig and his hair are gone along with Jessie.

Craig apparently "wasn't supposed to go home," whatever that means. He's sad about it. As Bachelor Pad contestants go, neither should be missed too much.

Jessie just didn't do anything interesting, a la Elizabeth or Wes, and Craig isn't nearly as much of a "dangerous" a$$ as originally thought. A bit disappointment.

Are you digging Bachelor Pad? Do you think this odd combination of Big Brother, Real World and Bachelor drama makes for good viewing? Comment!

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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