The Real Housewives of D.C. Review: "Disloyal to the Party"

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After last week's explosive premiere of Bravo's latest rich socialite reality series, this week's episode of The Real Housewives of D.C., "Disloyal to the Party," was a little slow.

The most interesting character could be Ebong, Lynda's tall, dark and mysterious younger (much, much younger) man. I hope we learn more about him in episodes to come.

The most random moment of the show was when Stacie's husband Jason took Ebong and Rich into Aunt Frances' basement to tell them about his invention - "The Penile Volumetric Measuring Device." Umm, WHAT?!!? He actually has a patent for it. Why is what I would like to know! 


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What does his Harvard MBA wife think? Where was stylist Paul Wharton during this conversation? I can't wait to see the Penile Volumetric Measuring Device for sale on HSN.

That brings me to stylist Paul Wharton. What is the deal?

Why is he, like, BFFs with all these old ladies? We learned that Lynda threw him a party for his 30th birthday but he was only allowed to invite 25 people. According to Michaele, this made him really sad because he has wayyyyy more than 25 friends.

So she decided to throw a party where Paul Wharton could invite as many people as he wants! What's a good socialite to do if she can't throw an unnecessary party, right?

In this episode of RHODC, we also learn how Mary met Michaele. It seems that Michaele used to work at the Trish McEvoy counter at Nordstrom selling make-up.

But then she married Tareq so now she goes to lots of hotels, makes the BEST Virginian wine and has a horse named Sparkles!! Life is good for Michaele.

Follow the link to continue reading our review of The Real Housewives of DC ...

Disloyal to the Party Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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