What's Ahead for Karofsky on Glee?

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What does the future hold for Karofsky on Glee, the football-playing bully who terrorized Kurt away to a different school? One scandalous Tweet has given us some idea.

But actor Max Adler spoke to TV Guide this week and previewed "Born This Way," the new episode airing tomorrow night that is rumored to feature his character officially embracing his sexuality via this Lady Gaga hit.

Karofsky vs. Kurt

Adler says he'll face off with Principal Figgins, Kurt and his father again tomorrow night: "There's this great tension that everybody feels in this circle that adds to the final result," he teases. "I felt most proud of that scene as far as the whole body of work on Glee."

Karofsky will all interact with Santana, another student hiding her sexual preference.

Saying Naya Rivera acts with "pizzazz," Adler loves filming scenes with the actress.

"She brings all her A game to every scene. I can hear it one way going over the lines in my trailer, but when I get to set, it really brings it to life to have her there to work opposite."

So, will Karofsky's journey end with this episode? Adler doesn't think so.

Everyone wants to see that weight lifted. However, I do think it should take its proper time and its due course. Karofsky is such a great character to play as an arc because you can show the internal struggle that a closeted teen is going through on a daily basis."

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Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
