Franklin & Bash Review: "She Came Upstairs to Kill Me"

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Franklin & Bash is not your normal legal show, and that has been of its selling points. When this series shoots for over the top, it achieves it - but it didn't come across well on "She Came Upstairs to Kill Me.

Was Isabella an overly loving angel or the devil with a killer sex drive? 

Pantsless Bash

Granted, Natalie Zea (as Isabella) was fun to watch, but that's nothing new. I loved her on Dirty Sexy Money and she's fantastic on Justified, so it's no surprise I also liked her here. Her performance saved what could have been a completely cheesy storyline.

But it was still way over the top. Isabella was a woman accused of killing her husband with sex. Did the prosecutor really have to go over all of the different types of sex acts in his opening statement? I know they were going for the shock factor, but that one really made me roll my eyes.

Isabella admitted to kicking her lovemaking "efforts into high gear" to prove to her husband she wasn't into Wallace. I was surprised the show didn't further the explanation given the excessiveness with which it opened.

As usual the two leads were charismatic and entertaining. Gosselaar was incredibly cute as Peter Bash while Meyer's Jared Franklin walked the line between sarcastic wit and annoying arrogance.

The Holy Man story seemed a complete waste of time except that he was used to remind us that Bash is still pining over his ex, Janie. Perhaps we'll see more of her next week.

I'm still unclear why Infeld would keep these two around. They're charming and fun and moderately good lawyers - but are those really that hard to come by? Perhaps it's for his own amusement, but if it's more than that, I haven't seen it yet.

This episode was certainly weaker than the pilot, but I'm still looking forward to getting to know these characters better. I'm just hoping for a better vehicle for it next week.

She Came Upstairs to Kill Me Review

Editor Rating: 3.9 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (44 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Franklin & Bash Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Franklin: Jared Franklin, from the animal shelter peeping tom trial.
Judge: Your client was a seriously disturbed man.
Franklin: Oh, believe me. I still have nightmares.

Bash: Does the ripped body offend?
Debbie: I've seen you firmer.