Necessary Roughness Review: Old Habits Die Hard

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Exchanging old habits for new ones is never easy.

"Habit Forming" saw Dani struggle as much trouble with this as her patients. Dani's living a life in limbo, divorcing her loser husband but unable to sleep on his side of the bed.

Her book club now belongs to his new girlfriend. Her kids continue to play her like a violin and she keeps sending mixed signals to her one night stand.

As if things couldn't get any worse, her mother's back.

Dani with Matt

I know her mother didn't actually sell the information about the team but she sits in the pantry and spies on Dani's therapy sessions for a reason. I can't believe she's not using that information to place her own bets.

Then there's Dani's relationship with her own kids.

They certainly make a smart woman look gullible. It's hard to like Ray as we watch him manipulate his mother. He uses her patient to get himself into a hot club. Then when his car is stolen he tells Dani it's being repaired and it will take weeks.

Dani doesn't blink an eye. Then TK buys the little brat a brand new car. I can't wait for the day Ray's shenanigans catch up with him. The only one who will be shocked is his mother.

TK playing the role of mentor to little Ray was a fun twist. It was almost kind of sweet in a completely warped sort of way.

Poor Matt. Dani keeps throwing him mixed signals. She says they can't have a relationship but continues to flirt with him. She leans in for a kiss, then pulls back when he reciprocates. He feels guilty but Dani's the one setting the rules and then breaking them. 

I respect her decision not to have a relationship with someone she works so closely with but honestly, this isn't working. She needs a new plan.

Victor Webster played the part of Matt's sleazy friend Ted. He seemed to be simultaneously trying to pick Dani up and push her towards Matt. In the end I was happy to see Ted was the guilty party.  As with his role on Castle, I just wanted Webster's character gone.

Dani definitely has some bad habits of her own she needs to break. Hopefully jumping on the other side of the bed is just the beginning.

Habit Forming Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Necessary Roughness Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

You know what else might upset the kids? The murder of their only living grandmother.


The question is, when is it time for an old habit too die?
