Project Runway Review: Addicted to Studs

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It's time to decide who makes it to Fashion Week and who is on their way home. "The Finale Challenge" sends the final five to make a mini collection that will wow the judges enough to let them stay.

Sketches are drawn, fabric is bought and then Tim steps into the workroom with that dreaded button bag. Well, this time it's not quite so bad. Everyone gets a helper and the designers get to pick from the last set of contestants kicked off the runway.

Tim Gunn and Laura Kathleen

Per button bag pulls, Kimberly chooses first and surprisingly picks Becky. I seriously thought Becky would be the last one standing on that row. The rest of our pairings are Viktor and Oliver, Laura and Anthony and Anya and Bert and Josh with Bryce.

Bryce gets to see first hand how neurotic Josh can be. When he isn't making a studding strategy or adding plastic doohickeys to his garment, he's bashing Anya for stealing the $20,000 out from under him last week. 

Josh, Anya won. You lost. Get over it and move on.

Bryce notices that the mood in the room has changed since he left. Back then, things were all rainbows and group hugs. Now the competitive claws have come out and the tension is mounting.

Over at Viktor's table, poor Oliver feels like a slave as he laments working for somebody else for no pay. All this guy does is whine. Hey Oliver, you signed up for this. Time to suck it up and get the job done.

Everyone is nervous headed to the runway but Josh and Viktor appear confident they will end up in the finals. TOO confident? We'll soon find out. This week's guest judge is actress Zoe Saldana. The looks hit the runway and here's the feedback.

  • Josh: Everyone loves his white dress with the black netting but the silver gown looks like the Statue of Liberty. Michael reminds him that the risk of using glitter and shine is that it can look cheap. They appreciate that he has lots of ideas but he stills needs to edit them.
  • Kimberly: Her brocade dress is her strongest piece but Michael thinks her bright orange and silver color choices are a little too disco Halloween. Heidi says it doesn't look like a cohesive collection and Kimberly starts to get defensive.
  • Laura: Zoe comments that the look reminds her of the old Robert Palmer video "Addicted to Love" and she's right. I see it too. Nina, who has always been hard on Laura says she has no range. She doesn't like the jacket of her second look. Her third dress looks frumpy and out of place.
  • Anya: Anya steps outside of her comfort zone and uses all solids, no prints. Nina thinks her outfits look very modern. Heidi loves the black dress but I think the red outfit is the best of the group. It's all deemed the most cohesive collection on the runway.
  • Viktor:  Heidi says he's the best sewer of the group but his outfits are a little too secretarial for her taste. Nina thinks it lacks oomph but Michael points out his looks are the most commercial of anything up there.

So who is headed to Fashion week? Anya, Viktor, Josh, and Kimberly get to celebrate. 

That leaves Laura on her way home. You know you're doomed when Michael Kors compares your dress to a pillow case. I honestly thought the judges were going to send both Laura and Kimberly packing but they proved me wrong once again.

And finally it's time for...

The Tim Gunn Hug Report:

I couldn't believe the camera cut away just as he was hugging Laura. That's not fair! How can I rate the hug if I can't see it? But Tim's tone was more of a polite nice knowing you than the heartbroken tears we saw when Anthony was sent home.

On the flip side, the final four got a Tim Gunn group hug and even kisses on the head all around.

Now we'll see where the extra lovin' gets them as they are sent off to work on their own collections and hopefully Tim gets to visit them all at home. Hugs all around until next time.

The Finale Challenge Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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