The Secret Circle Review: Not Playing with Fire

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The adults were away on The Secret Circle this week, so the kids played... with fake bats, with sexy Halloween costumes and most definitely with fire.

But only one person actually got burned on "Masked" and he totally deserved it. RIP, Luke. Actually, don't. You traitor!

In Halloween Costumes

This was a great episode overall, perfectly utilizing the theme of generation versus generation. It's my favorite aspect of The Secret Circle, allowing for both mystery and character development. Consider the role parents played in their children's lives this week, along with the overall impact these relationships have on the series...

Lousy Luke. In the eyes of viewers, he went from being an ideal dance partner to a vengeful witch hunter, but can we truly blame the guy? He's only his father's son, after all, and he was raised to hate on witches. I was raised to cheer on the Yankees. Some might say my dad actually did a worse job. Point being, though: Luke really didn't know any better.

But Adam does. What a jarring, pointed speech he gave to his father. He's angry over Ethan messing with Diana's mind regarding all that fate mumbo jumbo because Diana's love made Adam strive to earn it, to be unlike his own dad. Ouch. It's too bad it took me until after Adam and Diana broke up to actually feel something for this couple, but they had some very nice moments here.

Cassie goes dark. The two revelations about Cassie and her parent were by far the most gripping:

  1. She possesses dark magic.
  2. Her father, John Blackwell, attempted to do something many years ago and it somehow resulted in the fire that killed so many second generation witches.

The real RIP of the episode ought to go to Calvin Wilson and the bravery he showed in delivering that envelope to Cassie. It cost him his life, which also went a long way toward truly establishing Jake as an evil hunter. He talked a decent game last week, but he walked a much better, more interesting one here. So many possible doors are now open into his family's history, the history of hunters in general and the presumably centuries-old battle between their kind and the supernatural beings they are after.

Just great stuff all around, culminating in what we can only assume was Charles knocking out Jane to nab one of the crystals he and Dawn require to regain their powers. But, again I ask, to what end? Gale Harold was less than forthcoming in our chat with him, but my guess is that this second generation actually has admirable goals. They must be aware hunters exist and they must want to protect their kids.

Then again, Charles did kill Cassie's mom on the pilot. That's not the move of a guy with pure intentions, is it?

Where do things go from here? Check out the official preview for next week's episode and sound off now with your take on how one generation on The Secret Circle shapes the next.

Masked Review

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Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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