90210 Review: Karmageddon!

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Was it me or was "Trust, Truth and Traffic" one of the lamest 90210 episodes ever? If it hadn't been for the Adrianna/Silver reconciliation scene in the park, I would've changed the channel from the moment old hooker Bree re-entered the picture. And most definitely after seeing Ivy wearing that damn idiot hat again.

Ivy got an interview with Nick's old squeeze, who owned a fancy gallery and promptly got dissed. What perplexed me was the fact that all of a sudden Ivy was a photographer. When did that happen? She doinked a photographer and that automatically made her one as well? Oh please. As much as I hated Ivy as a surfer chick, at least that was slightly more believable than her becoming the next Annie Liebovitz.

Liam and Vanessa

Elsewhere, Liam asked for Naomi's event planning assistance in re-launching Offshore. It looked like Vanessa started milking Liam for all he was worth, what with her buying pricey beer and AbMan cutouts to decorate the bar. But all she was doing was proving her undying love for him. Yawn. I loved the scathing, elevator glance Naomi gave Vanessa upon first meeting her. And, of course, Offshore's relaunch was a raging success.

By the way, Naomi and Hal? Shades of Naomi and Max all over again. Been there, done that. Worked the first time. Lightning did not strike twice. Although Naomi's bar trick WAS pretty impressive.

After Silver got livid over Navid telling Adrianna about Silver's connection to Greg, they reminisced about their past relationship with Adrianna. I must admit that letter Adrianna had written to Maizy was heartbreaking. The whole "two hearts inside me" part made my eyes well up. And we all knew Adrianna hadn't really kidnapped Maizy.

But Greg breaking up with Silver because he didn't trust her? Really?!? He couldn't have Silver in his daughter's life? Umm... .he'd known Silver for about a week. And she's 18. Get a clue, dude. Good riddance.

Meanwhile, Dixon and Austin sweated it out over the sorority house, while Annie sweated it out about having to reveal her past escort escapades. While I knew Bree would stir the pot when she stayed with Dixon and Austin, she did have a point when she rationalized why she did what she did to Annie.

Poor Annie. Wanting to finally do the right thing she told Austin about being an escort. And surprise, surprise, good old boy Austin was actually a good old boy and took the fall for the fire. Good way to write him off the show. Just as I was starting to get used to him, too.

Hopefully the writers will turn up the volume in next week's installment, however, because, like the real Armageddon, this episode blew up all over the place and left nothing but desperation in its path.

Trust, Truth and Traffic Review

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90210 Season 4 Episode 15 Quotes

Class? You're gonna go to class?

Annie [to Naomi]

Hook up with the right person and anything's possible.
