Lost Girl Review: Big Bad Ass Bug

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If you are afraid of spiders, I hope you didn't watch "Arachnofaebia." Spiders didn't creep me out before watching, but now ... maybe just a bit! Yuck!

A new day brought a new evil Fae with it, a Djieiene. It's a spider that poisons people causing them to become paranoid to the point of wanting to kill. Dyson was on a case of multiple murder-suicides when his path crossed Bo and Kenzi.

Arachnofaebia Scene

How hilarious was Kenzi during her house cleansing ritual? Not only were her antics chuckle-inducing, but the realtor's reaction and belief in the ritual was equally funny. The ritual worked to the extent that the evil spider left the house in Kenzi's bag.

Of course, that didn't bode well for Kenzi or Bo when they were infected by the spider. Their normal irritation with each other took a potentially deadly turn. Bo's moments of paranoia accurately manifested from her natural disposition of mistrust.

While it was distressing to watch Kenzi and Bo go after each other, it was equally disturbing to see Hale try to kill Kenzi. Thankfully, Bo was able to fight off the venom once she had fed on Hale. Given the spider's influence over them toward killing, I was surprised that Bo was able to control herself and not kill Hale. Perhaps, he was able to heal her in a similar manner as Dyson.

What I found most interesting was the deeper look into the Fae leadership, the Ash. Lauren supposedly cares deeply for Bo, but her allegiance was to the Ash, not Bo. Lauren called for the quarantine, which should have led to Bo's death.

In the end, Dyson and Lauren worked together to figure out how to find the Djieniene's heart in order to kill it. Would Lauren have killed the man in order to save Bo? Interesting question since she was quick to call for the quarantine.

The love triangle between Bo, Dyson and Lauren has certainly progressed. Bo was right when she called out Dyson on his inability to say he cares. Why is that? It can't just be about knowing about her past, can it? Why is he afraid of being with her?

Compared to Dyson, Lauren is open about her feelings and wanting to be with Bo. But, as a human, it is a much greater risk to both of them. At this point, I don't really want Bo to be with either of them. If the spider incident showed anything, it was that Bo should really focus on learning more about herself and the Fae leadership.

Arachnofaebia Review

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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Lost Girl Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Bo: Dyson is the one who gave me the green light to see other people. And, then Lauren shows up and he gets all testy.
Kenzi: Ah, because he has testes. Dudes tend to get irrationally territorial.

Bo: You? Asking me for help.
Dyson: Relax, it's not a marriage proposal.
Bo: I already sent out the invites.