Project Runway Review: The Claws of Fashion

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The Project Runway All Stars were forced into a "Fashion Face Off" this week, and the claws came out as former friends turned on one another under the pressure.

When Angela brought out those weekender bags, I thought the same thing Mondo did: That the style of the bag would be used in the challenge. But it was a Runway fake out when Angela revealed they had nothing to do with the challenge. It was the cards inside that counted.

The designers were paired off to make sportswear for a specific season and they had to do it better than their partner if they didn't want to risk being sent home.

Austin Scarlett on Project Runway

That's when things started to get catty. Michael didn't feel as though his fuzzy wuzzy bear fabric was working so he reworked his design. Unfortunately, it started to look a lot like partner Jerell's and Jerell took notice.

Mentor Joanna not only noticed, as well, she decided to have a team pow wow to see what everyone thought about it. Was it cheating? Well, no one said it out loud but Jerell wasn't happy and Michael got defensive. I agreed with Joanna. If you're going to design, it you better make sure it's your best work.

Mondo was upset he couldn't be home for his mother's birthday and put his all into his outfit. Sadly, he was in a polka dot war with Kenly, the queen of dot design.

Mondo thought Kenly was loud, obnoxious and annoying and he loved pressing her buttons. Perhaps he should have spent less time pushing buttons and more time on his design.

When we finally hit the runway, it was with guest judge and fashion designer Cynthia Rowley. The battle lines were drawn and the winners rose to the top.

  • Kara won over Austin for their Spring designs. Kara got lucky. Her outfit was boring and unoriginal but Austin's was so dorky, as Cynthia put it, that he practically handed her the win. Somehow Austin seemed to think that the librarian look was cool.
  • Kenly won the Summer look and Mondo cried. I liked Kenly's outfit but enough with the dots already. It's getting old. Unfortunately, Mondo's trendy look was more '80s retro than modern and chic.
  • Mila took the Autumn challenge. Again, it's not that her cape was that great, it's more that Rami's top was that bad. The neon green shirt made the model's breasts look lopsided.  There's no coming back from that.
  • The winter warriors went head-to-head and Jerell came out on top, although I had to say I liked both his and Michael's designs. Jerell's was simply a younger, more wearable look.

How funny were Kenly's attempts at consoling a sobbing Mondo? She told him that the judges said they wouldn't even go to lunch with Austin's model as Austin was sitting right there.  Poor Austin did not look amused.

Once the judges poked, prodded and picked apart each look they chose our winner. Jerell's hip, earthy look was the best up there. I'd wear that outfit if I could.

I was a bit surprised that Rami was sent home. I didn't love his look (especially the lopsided breasts) but at least he took a chance. Some of the other designers were safe but dull.  This is All Stars and they need to go home... soon.

Fashion Face Off Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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