The Secret Life of the American Teenager Review: Gossip Girls

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The Secret Life of the American Teenager is by no means an Emmy winning series but it's usually at least moderately entertaining. Unfortunately the most recent installment entitled "4SnP" (what the heck does that mean?) was just barely tolerable. 

I'm not kidding when I say I was counting the minutes for it to be over. Not even the return of Molly Ringwald, a childhood favorite since her role as Samantha in Sixteen Candles, could turn this episode around. It was just that bad.

Ben & Amy At the Lockers

Nora has personally been one of my favorite characters since she joined the show. I think she is written so well and her character has such humor and wisdom after all of the negative things she has gone through in her life. This is why it comes as no surprise that she dropped my favorite line of the night, one that spoke much more broadly about the episode than just about George (whom she was referring to.) "Ignore him, he's just ignorant."

For more of tonight's lines go to The Secret Life of the American Teenager quotes section.

The majority of this episode was so stupidly ignorant, it was barely tolerable. It made the youth of America, and even the adults, look like morons. George and Kathleen are the dumbest people and Grace is so awful, I have no idea why Jack is so into her. He could clearly get a lot of girls.

For the record, I am not gay but I was offended by this whole "Amy must be gay, because her mom is" rumor mill. It's not a genetic, contagious thing to be gay! I can't even imagine being around people who would talk like this or who would ever even care to make that association. Normally the word "sex" is dropped 50 million times in an episode and this week the word "gay" took over that honor.

The entire "Anne is gay" storyline has been botched from the start. George's claim had no merit. He was bored and Anne just wasn't that into him anymore. Just because someone doesn't want to sleep with you doesn't mean they are gay. George has nothing better to do that gossip like a househusband. Maybe he should call up Rufus Humphrey.

Then we have Grace who is so insecure and so in denial. I completely understand that she is 17 years old, not that experienced and is a little scared by the fact that she is sexually curious. But take a breath! She and her mother started the whole rumor about the Juergens to begin with. You kissed a girl, it's really not that big of a deal. Gossip sucks, but maybe you should talk to your best friend Adrian about her jealousy issues and need to be the center of attention. I don't feel bad for Grace being the center of a rumor when she often is the one who starts them. 

It just seems like this epic mountain was made out of a molehill for no apparent reason and based on absolutely nothing. Just because Amy's mom might be homosexual she might be too? And just because she isn't marrying Ricky she's suddenly a lesbian? Also the Fourth of July is a gay holiday? That's totally reaching. Who are the uneducated people who write this show and is this really how the youth of America talks? 

Unfortunately I already know the answer to that. Yes, a lot of people are really uneducated and high school is the breeding ground for rumors, gossip, and making up ridiculous things. It's times like these I don't blame Amy for being totally moody.

A few positive things to end on: how cute were Ricky and John playing the drums? Jack's reaction to Grace and Adrian's kiss was kinda classic. I loved seeing Griffin hanging around again and I fully support Leo's decision to not pay 32K for Ben to make out with Dylan. What did everyone else think? I know I was harsh so hit the comments with your own opinions! 

4SnP Review

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The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 4 Episode 23 Quotes

I would never have sex with a girl, they're dramatic, they're emotional, they're fickle. It would be like having sex with myself.


Don't they have something better to do than talk about whether somebody's gay or not?
