The Secret Life of the American Teenager Review: Wife Number One

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Let's just say it. We've all had enough of Amy's bad mood at this point. "Strange Familiar" was a perfect title for an episode of The Secret Life of the American Teenager that revisited a lot of old stories but with a slightly new twist.

Can someone please tell me why Betty is hanging around? Does Leo have no one to hang out and confide in besides his ex wife? He's going to screw things up with his current love Camille because he seems to have no appropriate friends to discuss things with.

The Ricky Look

The big issues in this episode was Wife Number One. I'm talking about Kathleen and George, Adrian and Ben, and Kathleen and Marshall. 

Despite the fact that Amy has a two year old son (how is he not older?) we all know that she acts like a petulant child a lot of the time and let's face it, she really is only 17 years old. She also has a father who is not the most mature individual on the planet and she's often left with him as her sole guardian. Sorry Molly Ringwald, I said it. In fact, I think Ricky's ex drug addict mom is truly the most maternal one around these days. I don't know why nobody trusts her to do some simple babysitting for an hour!

George is obviously bored, frustrated, and still in love with his first wife Kathleen who is now divorcing her third husband. Amy only wants him to be in love with her mother and starts ugly crying (yes refer to New Girl for an education in ugly crying) when Nora opines that George still loves Kathleen. I know divorce is hard but truthfully if your parents aren't in love with each other but they are still caring and cordial co-parents then isn't that the best you can ask for?

I've never felt so bad for a child on this show as I did for the oft-neglected Robbie last night when Amy burst through Kathleen's door and thrust him into George's arms. "Here's your kid." This is an effing toddler for Pete's sake. He didn't do anything wrong. The look on his face broke my heart. I feel like the kids on this show are such an afterthought it's upsetting to me. 

The other person Kathleen was a first wife for was Marshall Beauman though apparently she wasn't his first love. Grace finds out when she's bonding with her half brother Jacob, whom I actually really enjoy, that Marshall met Jacob's mother in medical school and they were in love. It just goes to show how well you think you know your own family. Everyone has secrets.

The other "Wife Number One" in this episode was Adrian. She was upset about getting divorced at 18, which is obviously traumatic as was her whole experience with Ben and the losing the baby. When Dylan found out Ben was going to get some closure and discuss things with his soon to be ex wife, she decided she needed to know her week old boyfriend's ex wife better. Code red Ben, code red! This is not the merging of families where your new wife needs to know your ex wife because she is the mother of your children. Dylan showed up at Adrian's door like a psycho. This is like some Fatal Attraction sh*t.

On that note, I leave you with my Secret Life quotes of the week. What did everyone think of this week's episode? Hit the comments! 

Strange Familiar Review

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The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 4 Episode 20 Quotes

So you want me to get up in the middle of the night and leave my own son so you can go help wife number one?

Amy [to George]

Oh no, I don't babysit. No one lets me babysit ever.
