Doctor Who Season 7: What to Expect...

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BBC America has confirmed that Doctor Who Season 7 will premiere on Saturday, September 1 and that the fall season will consist of five episodes, the culmination of which the final installment for Arthur Darvill (as Rory) and Karen Gillan (as Amy).

What else can fans expect from the premiere and other episodes to come?

Teased executive producer Steven Moffat in a BBC press release:

"We’ve got the return of the Daleks AND the Weeping Angels – both of them poll-topping Doctor Who adversaries – in cracking new stories, we’ve got Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (it’s what you’ve always wanted), we’ve got a glorious western with a Cyborg Gunslinger, the most unusual invasion Earth story EVER, and location shooting in New York for the Pond finale.”

To many, of course, the real focus of this run will be on Rory and Amy. How will these beloved characters be written out?

Moffat wouldn't say, but he did offer up the following preview:

"The story of the Ponds hasn't even begun to end yet - they've got loads more adventures with their mad friend the Doctor ahead of them, and we'll see more of their lives and Time Lord-complicated relationship than we ever have before. This more than any other, is the year of the Ponds."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Doctor Who Quotes

There's a horror movie named Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everybody keeps invading you.

The Doctor

The Doctor: It's a risk.
Graham: Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky.
The Doctor: I have apologized for the Death Eye Turtle Army! Profusely.