Last Resort Review: Where It Hurts

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What do you really know? About your spouse? The person standing next to you? Yourself? That's the question Last Resort asked in "Blue on Blue."

With the entire crew thrown into an unprecedented situation, everyone had more questions than answers - but some had faith. Yet, as one government agent noted, even that can be broken.

Captain Chaplin's strategy was to play this out from a position of strength and he had to flex those muscles more than once. First with the torpedo launch at the USS Illinois. Although some may question that move, it's the one thing certain to keep the Illinois on the other side of that line.

Chaplin Fights For Control

Sam may question his Captain's strategy but he never fails to back him up. At first I wondered about his decision to walk out and try to talk with what he assumed was an armed Delta force sent to kill him, but it certainly told us what kind of man Sam is. He'd risk his life if he felt there was a chance he didn't have to kill another American soldier.

Of course, once they figured out they were Russian's looking to steal the sub, all bets were off. That was a great twist and one I hadn't thought of but it made sense. The entire world would be out to get the technology on that sub. 

Navy SEAL James wasn't kidding when he told Tani in this Last Resort quote...

Get yourself off this rock. This whole place just became the biggest bull's eye on the planet. | permalink

The twists and turns of that entire sequence were really well played. Sam's team was trying to take out a Russian assault team. Grace's own men planned to kill her in a "friendly fire" accident. Marcus expertly juggled a US and Russian diplomat and didn't hesitate to unleash Hell with a nuclear missile on one man's sons to get this most recent attack to stop.

There was tension and suspense on multiple fronts and it solidified why I can't wait to keep tuning into Last Resort each week.

But not all of the drama took place on the island. Back in D.C. Kylie learned Marcus had given her prototype an unscheduled test. The good news? It worked. The bad news? The government planned to take it away from her.

I've begun to really like Kylie. When Linus tried to back out on her, she smiled pretty as she put the screws to him. Reminding him of a fling he had with a girl at his bachelor party who Kylie describes as hot, "Like make me want to switch hit hot." 

Kylie's got some serious spunk and she's not afraid to come out fighting. She just might be the person to figure this whole mess out. Unfortunately, her threats to tell Linus' wife about the hot chick may have ended up putting him in a coma.

With the press painting Marcus as a "Nuclear Mad Man," he's going to need all the allies he can get, even the ones he doesn't know about yet.

And Sam's got his own problems back home. My one complaint was why his wife seemed so shocked that there were things Sam hadn't shared with her.  He's in the military. I can only assume there are plenty of things that he can't share due to their classified nature or that he doesn't want to due to the nature of military combat. Christine's shock felt odd to me but maybe it's because they haven't been married all that long. 

The crew of the Colorado will face threats from the world, including their own government, family and friends

Once again, Last Resort left me clamoring for more. In a world where the attacks just keep coming, the only question is where will they come from next.

Blue on Blue Review

Editor Rating: 4.4 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (84 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Last Resort Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

She never should have been wearing those stripes to begin with but you put her there and she killed one of my men.


People, we are now the popular girl at the dance.
