Castle Round Table: "Secret Santa"

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"Secret Santa" had Castle and Beckett celebrating their first Christmas as a couple but would differing traditions and a dead Santa keep them from making merry?

Our Round Table team of TV Fanatic staffers Jim Garner, Chandel Charles, and Christine Orlando are joined here by Castle fan Laura from The 12th Fan Forum as they decide who should be making babies and what new traditions are in order for Caskett next year.


1. What was your favorite scene?

Jim:  Watching Rick go through the theory of Santa being part of secret society of guardian Santas. Sometimes he even surprises himself.

Chandel:  Castle and Beckett both deciding to start different holiday traditions. How adorable was it that Castle decided to go be with her at the precinct only to find Kate already at his door?!

Christine:  I loved the end with the two of them with their foreheads together and the Christmas tree behind them. Truly adorable.

Laura:  I love scenes when we get more insight into the characters, so my favorite is definitely when Kate opened up to Castle about why she volunteers to work the Christmas Eve shift every year so that other families can be together.  Castle's expression of love and understanding just melted my heart!

2. Should Ryan and Jenny start a family?

Jim:  Espo was right, Ryan is ready. If you try to wait till the world is "just right" you will never start.

Chandel:  I think they should do whatever they want to do. If anyone is ready for a family, I think it's Ryan. But he makes a valid point about the world being a crazy place. I loved how Esposito turned the thought around.

Christine:  The perfect time will never happen. The world has always and will always be insane. Ryan and Jenny are happy and in love. Perhaps a tiny, little Ryan can make the world a better place.

Laura:  They have been married for almost a year, so as long as they are both ready for the adventure, absolutely!

3. What did Castle get Gates?

Jim:  I'm guessing a really nice pen, box was about the right size and it would be the most appropriate gift for their relationship.

Chandel:  I wish I knew! I kept wondering that. A letter opener maybe? The box seemed about the right size.

Christine:  Maybe it was a weekend at The Plaza to recover from her mother-in-law's visit.

Laura:   It would have been awesome if Castle found a way to replace one of Gates' creepy Gemini collectible dolls he broke during the episode, 'Secrets Safe with Me.'

4. Funniest scene? Esposito's sexy dance or getting his butt kicked by Santa?

Jim:  Espo getting a Santa beat down was way too funny!

Chandel:  Probably Esposito's sexy dance. He looked pretty humiliated when Gates caught him. His expression was priceless!

Christine:  They were both great but watching Santa beat him down with a giant candy cane really did make me laugh.

Laura:  Oh, geez...that one may be a tie because I laughed hysterically during both scenes.  However, Gates catching Esposito dancing with the sexy Santa lingerie was priceless!  I loved how she told Esposito to finish the "hoochie coochie thing" and get back to work!
5. Do you have a special holiday tradition?

Jim:  Our family has always tried to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" together (even if not all in same location).

Chandel:  I always put up my personal collection of Christmas decorations at 12am the day after Thanksgiving to signal the official start of the holiday season in my house.

Christine:  My Mom's side of the family always had a big, family, Christmas Eve party. For the first time in my life, that party has been cancelled. Like Beckett and Castle, I'll be starting some new traditions this year.

Laura:  When I was younger, I remember always waking up on Christmas morning to the smell of cinnamon.  My mom got up early every year to make a delicious Christmas breakfast with cinnamon rolls, egg casserole, and hash browns.  It was always nice for us to sit down together as a family before we started opening presents.  Even though I currently live away from home, I definitely plan to carry-on the tradition of making Christmas morning breakfast with my family!
6. What new traditions should Castle and Beckett start together next year?

Jim:  Would "exchanging vows" be too big of stretch? How about "Team Caskett" shirts?

Chandel:  I think being together for Christmas certainly puts them off on a good start. Maybe tree-trimming together or something like that?

Christine:  Perhaps by next year they'll have a joint Christmas tree in their home that they can decorate together. I'd definitely tune in to see that.

Laura:  Maybe next year, Castle and Beckett can volunteer at a soup kitchen or even go caroling for sick children in the hospital.  That way, Beckett can continue her tradition of helping others while Castle can do what he does best and spread some Christmas cheer!
7. With over a month to wait until the next new episode, how will you get your Castle fix?

Jim:  DUH! Castle reruns on TNT -- no brainer!

Chandel:  I will probably hit up the fanfic sites and re-watch old episodes that I love from all the seasons!

Christine:  I've got 35 Castle episodes saved on my Tivo. There's Castle reruns on TNT and ABC plus some fun fanfiction to read.  That should be enough to keep me cheery until the next new episode rolls in in 2013.

Laura:  Well, I have the first four seasons on DVD, so I will definitely be re-watching some of my favorite episodes while wrapping presents and baking cookies!  I will also read a lot of holiday FanFiction to keep my Castle Christmas spirits bright!

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Castle Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Whether there is a Santa or not, that is not why I love Christmas.


It's bad enough that Santa has been murdered!


Castle Season 5 Episode 9 Music

  Song Artist
Let it Snow Ben Rector iTunes
Run Rudolph Run The Reverend Horton Heat iTunes