Archer Review: Extracting the Pelé of Fetch

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This week's mission took Archer and Lana to Morocco to extract quite the unusual agent in "Un Chien Tangerine."  

Unlike the show's recent stand of human guest voice actors, the star here was of the canine persuasion.

The Dog From Morocco

Unfortunately, that also meant this episode heavily relied on your ability to love a particular Kofta-loving St. Bernard as much as Archer. Sure, he may not have a prehensile tail, but come on, he thinks he's people! Also, sometimes a vampire.

That had to have kept your entertained for half an hour, right? Luckily, for those human lovers, there were also some solid Lana-Archer bickering and even a nice revealing moment between the two when Lana ran off without her gun, sat phone, GPS and life-saving water.

Overall, the mission through Morroco - including Lana's wildly inaccurate lack of sleep while Archer slept with Dutch coeds - was a bit underwhelming. And that's from a man who'd gladly go for a ride through Central Park with Kazak.

Meanwhile, things were short, fun and distracting back at ISIS. Pam managed to squeeze her Daniels Midland body into a pantsuit, ace some IFABs (can you believe it!?) and beat up a Nazi, nerd and queen of the robots on her road to becoming a field agent.

And why the heck not sent her down that road? If they can put Cyril in the field, why not anyone at this point? I'm down to see Pam kick some butt. You know, as long as it's under sterile conditions.

Now if you excuse me, I have to go get catch a hovercraft to make my appoint to Cheryl's impressively accurate gypsy woman. Oh, and hopefully by now you know where to find my favorite Archer quotes that didn't find there way into this review.

Un Chien Tangerine Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (34 Votes)

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Archer Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

So you beat up a Nazi, a nerd and queen of the robots?


He's like the Pelé of fetch.
