Psych Review: So Much Love

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All of Shawn's worst fears came true on Psych this week.

Oh, the things we learn when "Juliet Takes a Luvvah," Gus gets a new girlfriend and Madeline drops back into town!

Gus' New Girlfriend

From fine dining to turtle necklaces, Juliet's suitors certainly gave Shawn a run for his money.

But let's be honest: it's about time we were treated to a case where Juliet got to investigate the seedy underworld of online dating, if only so we could see Shawn act out at the situation. We all knew he'd handle it poorly, but didn't it make your heart swoon when he told Juliet he was finally ready to cohabitate?

Yes, it could have been a function of the scarring scene Shawn witnessed between Maddie and Henry (which we'll get to in a minute), but it's just as likely that the experience reminded him of how much he loves and wants to be with Juliet.

Here's why: Remember way back when in "Neil Simon's Lover's Retreat" when he was telling Juliet that he wasn't ready to make trips to Ikea? Well, what was he doing but helping Juliet put together Ikea furniture at the outset of the episode! Of course, that doesn't mean he accompanied Juliet on the trip, but if there's one thing we've learned about the writers on this show, it's that they don't just do things like that without a reason.

That said, now that Shawn and Juliet are living together, I feel compelled to place a wager on how long it takes for Juliet to start becoming suspicious of Shawn and his methods. The truth coming out is inevitable, and I wouldn't put it past Shawn to finally decide that he actually doesn't want to keep that from Juliet anymore.

Let's start the wagering!

I'm also strongly considering the possibility that Henry and Maddie might actually get back together. It just seems to me that every time she re-enters the picture that she and Henry have gotten closer somehow. Of course they were married, but how random and convenient is it that she flew in to take care of Henry AND decided to stay a little bit longer?

I wouldn't mind the idea of Maddie and Henry getting back together, mostly because I would love to see some Maddie/Juliet bonding time. Then again, it might be like putting too many cooks in the kitchen with too many main characters running around.

The only reason I would have against Maddie and Henry being a permanent thing again is the constant awkwardness it would cause when Shawn went to visit with them. Let's be honest, I would be scarred, too, if I were him.

Speaking of time: It's about darn time Gus got a leading lady in his life."Last Night Gus" came out to play tonight and did very well. And how appropriate, given that our beloved Andy Berman penned tonight's zinger fest! And how perfect is Parminder Nagra in the role? Rachel is a little spitfire that can match Shawn wit for wit. She's EXACTLY what Gus needs in his life!

But even though she wasn't the killer that Shawn (predictably) accused her of being, that didn't mean she didn't come with some surprises of her own, mainly that she's a MOM with a SON! I wonder how Gus will be handling this one? And Shawn too?

While we wait for the answers, let's reflect on the other highlights from the episode:

  • Shawn and Lassiter having to pull pack when Juliet discovered she wasn't in danger. Shawn is lucky Lassiter didn't shoot him for his wandering hands...
  • Shawn's "Do it" hand gesture. Come on, Son! So eighth grade!
  • Gus running into Juliet at the theatre on one of her dates. I would really love to see what Gus "having words" with Juliet would look like.
  • Chief Vick's moment of lament over missing out on online dating.
  • Juliet's attempt to con her attacker into taking his glasses off. You go girl!
  • The Lassiter/Juliet/Shawn splitscreen phone conversation. That's money right there.
  • Lassiter suggesting to Juliet that she get over being stood up by her faux-suitor with some Sex and the City episodes. Classy Carlton, really classy.
  • Maddie calling Shawn over at the store to make him try on pants so she could figure out "how they fit his seat."
  • Juliet's repeated jabs at Shawn over moving back home with his parents throughout the episode.

Phew, they really packed that episode with some epicness. What was your favorite part, Psych-O's?

Juliet Takes a Luvah Review

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C. Charles is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Psych Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

I like how we fit. And I'm not just talking about when we spoon it up half-moon style, although that's tight.


Holy crap! Who is that?!
