Homeland Review: Turning the Tables

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Unlike much of Homeland Season 3, "Still Positive" was a solid hour of television filled with competent characters, interesting twists and turns... and unfortunately more from the former Dana Brody.

The main ingredient in improving Homeland Season 3 Episode 6 was the fact that Carrie was back to being the talented, non-whiny agent we enjoyed watching back in season one.

Carrie Finds a Mastermind

Whether it was Carrie turning the tables on Javadi after her lie detector test, the crew brining him in after the Iranian leader fulfilled his murderous needs, or Saul eventually punching him in the face, everything about that story line was fun to watch.

Maybe the best of it all was Javadi's killing spree. I'm not one to love brutal violence just for the fact that it's there, but Javadi's was different. There was something very intriguing about his ability to shoot his daughter-in-law in the forehead with a smile on, and then stab his ex in the throat a dozen times in a row.

Now that Javadi is in Saul's hands, I'm interested to see where that all heads next.

While Saul has the upper hand on his Iranian counterpart, he may be facing even more trouble from his own countrymen. With Lockhart claiming that the CIA is a disgrace and needs change, we should all expect him to take much of that anger out on Saul in the near future.

Whether Saul will be able to use this Javadi stuff to his advantage or if it will actually hurt his standing with the new boss is still yet to be seen, but I'm sure it will be a heated subject either way.

It's been all puppies and roses up to this point in the review, but that's only because I've saved the weekly Dana bashing for the end.

The Homeland people have to be kidding with this right? I literally laughed out loud when Dana announced that she was moving out. That put her story line this week over the top. Is this what it's come to? Dana changing her name and moving out? Is that what we need to be watching?

I'd think about saying that these types of things are just not meant to be on a show like this, but the fact of the matter is that any show can be about whatever it wants to be about. The issue is simply that even if Homeland wants to be about showing the troubles that follow Brody's family after he is outed as a terrorist if those troubles aren't interesting the audience isn't going to enjoy it.

Even with how much I didn't enjoy watching Dana change her name, "Still Positive" was definitely one of the better hours of Homeland Season 3. What did you think of the episode? What were your favorite moments? What didn't you like? And how about all those pregnancy tests?

Still Positive Review

Editor Rating: 3.5 / 5.0
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Rating: 3.6 / 5.0 (60 Votes)

Dan Forcella is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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Homeland Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

This is just the fucking beginning.


Saul should have instructed you to treat me with more respect than that.
