Modern Family Review: Coach Tucker

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There's nothing like a big sporting event to bring the whole family together!

And by big sporting event, I mean Freshman football. In Modern Family season 5 episode 9 everyone gathered for Manny's last football game of the season.

The Dunphys Contemplate More Family

At the end of Modern Family season 5 episode 7 Cam realized his luck as a coach had changed when his very own nephew could become his star player. That's right, surprisingly Manny could block and run!

True to Cam's competitive nature, he was putting a ton of pressure on himself and the kids to win their last game. If he won 3 games this season he could make it onto the wall of fame. Seeing Cam act totally superstitious and Mitchell roll his eyes typically played into their characters, but I loved it all the same.

It's funny watching Lily take Gloria's advice, especially when it meant that Lily became a little man-eater. Lily's comic timing has gotten so much better in this season. I liked this very realistic exchange between her and Mitchell:

Lily: Stop Dad you’re embarrassing me.
Mitchell: Welcome to the rest of your life sweetheart.

Mitchell and Claire both have daddy issues but they're entertaining. High point of the episode was Claire trying to covertly climb out of the model closet, knocking over all the boxes in a domino fashion, only to realize Jay was watching her the whole time. Jay is funny at work, he's lighter. The #1 dad mug was a great little prop addition.

The star of this episode was probably Phil, although this comes as no surprise to me. Phil is great at doing solo comedy. He made an ordinary locked out of the house situation into a complete act between playing the recorder to the snake and the accidental faux coke mustache. But hey, he got his commission in the end! All his luck changed with Coach Cam using his lucky play! It changed everyone's luck that day.

Well everyone except for Luke who got his face pummeled by that bully Miller. I think Luke will find his place in high school as the class comic. Miller wouldn't have cared so much if he weren't so insecure. Luke's jokes weren't particularly hilarious, but they were well timed and well delivered. Do you think Haley's little name changing stunt will help with Alex's popularity?

I for one am glad to have the Dunphys and Pritchitts back after the holiday. What was your favorite scene? Hit the comments!

The Big Game Review

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Modern Family Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

There will be no mourning Knight this afternoon.


Lily: Stop Dad you’re embarrassing me.
Mitchell: Welcome to the rest of your life sweetheart.