How I Met Your Mother Review: One Shining Moment

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Last week's Mother-centric installment was one of the show's best.

With so many episodes this season staged at The Farhampton Inn - as the hours until the wedding sluggishly continue to tick away - I feel like the inn has begun to have the same effect on fans as the Overlook Hotel had on Jack Torrance in The Shining.

Instead of the Grady twins, we were treated to a pair of Lily's who helped Marshall see what really was at the heart of their fight.

If you keep lying to me, if you keep cutting me out of decisions, if you keep using words like winning and losing when you talk about our marriage? It's not like it will happen all at once, but if you keep acting this way, little by little, you're gonna lose me.


The whole scene with the Lilys, Marshall and his late father, felt like a bizarre dream. 2006 Lily asking how many MySpace friends she now had was pretty funny. In the end though, instead of a heart felt apology, all Marshall said was how much he missed her while she was gone.

What about all the stuff ghost Lily had just gone over?

Barney probably won't remember taking Justin and Kyle under his wing, but sadly we all will. As big a fan of Tim Gunn as I am, I couldn't help but feel like he has worn out his welcome as a guest star.

I think he may have overtaken Billy Zabka with this week's cameo on How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 17. And was that final exchange with the two guys supposed to be some revelation by Barney?

Whatever you do in this life, it's not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it.


That whole segment was legen...well put it this way, I'm still waiting for it.

Ted finally let go of Robin, but that storyline has long been deflated. After all the hoops Ted jumped through to find that locket, I was shocked to not see him make any effort to jump in and recover it.

We still may in an upcoming episode and, yes, I get how it was a metaphor for him letting go of Robin, but I'm a seller of it all.  It's like how I'm still upset with Rose for dropping the "Heart of the Ocean" into the water at the end of Titanic.

After How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 16, my expectations for the remaining outings were sky high - but as I watched with disbelief as Robin floated away from Ted, my week old optimism sank like Jack Dawson.

I tried to find a few morsels to satisfy me, but was left wanting as there was very little meat on the show's funny bone this week. What did you think?

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