Switched at Birth Review: It's a Dogfight

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I loved the confluence of good and bad events that came together on Switched at Birth Season 3 Episode 6.

It was akin to real life, showing just how difficult it is to maneuver grey areas.

Everything looks so easy when you're on the outside peering in, but when you're on the inside looking out, it's a lot more difficult to make the right decisions... no matter how rational they seem.

Bay's young, fresh take on social issues can be just as limiting as they are liberating. In Tank (or Miles...) she finally found someone who treats her well and doesn't pass judgment of any sort. He's a genuinely good guy. He also happens to be stuck in an incredibly awkward situation. Should that stop her from dating him?

His family has a history with the fraternity he's pledging. Pledging is never an easy process and the guys treat each other and girls pretty poorly while it's happening. In many cases, they don't stop that treatment even when they're full brothers. However, belonging to a fraternity comes with a lot of perks. It can help your career, among other things.

Stepping away from the fraternity at the request of a teenage girl because she's not impressed with the way they treat girls isn't a decision to be made lightly. It might seem like it is, but it's not. It's about weighing the pros and cons and making a determination. 

The same is happening with Daphne. Not only as she tries to decide whether she's really into Jose or Campbell, but also as Campbell decided whether he was willing to take a chance on further injury to his brain to gain the love of a sport he loved almost as much as life.

Daphne had no right to tell Campbell whether he should make that choice, just as somebody shouldn't weigh in on a deaf person's decision to get a cochlear implant. Everything is shaded with personal experiences that tip the scales in favor of or against the end game. 

Hearts are still broken when a choice is made that we don't agree with.

Kathryn and John have been fighting their own uphill battle for a long time his discovery of the book she was writing and hers of his kiss with Jenise forced them apart. She kicked him out and he's moving in with Toby for the time being. 

I hate that they've never even gone to counseling to talk about their issues. It's probably the norm for many married couples to just give up rather than get any help before things break. It seems unlikely that this will cause them to seek it now, but there aren't many couple on TV doing that, so it would be nice to see the avenue explored.

In the end, Tank came back to Bay. He made an anonymous call to a fraternity governing board that effectively shut down the dance. It's not the perfect answer but, as he said, he's not perfect. His promise to treat Bay better than her last two boyfriends seems genuine and that he was moved to do something so drastic so early in their relationship is a great sign.

Jose saw the look of relief on Daphne's face when Campbell decided against going to Colorado with his buddies. He knew she was fighting feelings beyond worry for his safety. Daphne admitted it and Jose told her to let him know when she figures it out. I don't think she was every all that into Jose, but thought him a safer alternative to Campbell.

It seem like both girls are going to be dating happily for a while. Who saw that coming? 

It didn't escape me that this all played out over the backdrop of Renzo's fabulous murder mystery party. He is the most amazing friend and what he's given to Kathryn so far has been worth her trip tap class. I hope he doesn't disappear on her as times get tough.

If you want to relive any of the moments that have lead up to the girls exciting new romantic lives, you can catch them all here on TV Fanatic when you watch Switched at Birth online.

Would you date a guy in a fraternity that held a Dogfight party?

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Switched at Birth Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

I don't know who started it, but as the single person in the equation, you need to be the one to back off.


Bay: Wow. We get better with practice.
Tank: Yeah, I've been waiting to do this for a long time.