The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Review: If Only She'd Called

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Miss a few phone calls and suddenly their are "Lines in the Sand."

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 4 Episode 17 featured everyone ready to gang up on Lisa Vanderpump. Was it warranted or a massive overreaction? We recap all the drama in our TV Fanatic +/- review...

Warning to all of Brandi Glanville's future boyfriends. If you call her every evening and then stop…expect trouble.

Brandi turning on Lisa seemed to be fueled by the fact that Lisa used to call to check on her every morning and for some reason stopped. 

Hey Brandi, maybe Lisa has a life. Minus 23.

But once Brandi started questioning Lisa's motives for everything from magazines to waitress selection it seemed as though all the Housewives were ready to pile on. 

I will give Brandi a plus 10 for questioning why Scheana is waitressing private parties when Lisa knows Brandi will be there.  That's just being a bad friend and Brandi should talk to her about that.

For some reason Yolanda decided it was her place to clear the air. Minus 15. Sounds as though she's trying to get into everyone's business, exactly what they are accusing Lisa of doing.  

Honestly, Lisa has backed Brandi through some horrible times. Things that Brandi deserved to take the blame for and now Brandi's stabbing her in the back after few missed phone calls! Minus 50

As Ms. Vanderpump said, "You support the underdog and then the underdog bites you."

I wasn't surprised that Kyle didn't know who to believe but aren't Mauricio and Ken suppose to be friends? I expect more out of the guys. 

And what is up with Kim Richards? First she's crawling around in suitcases, then she's retelling Brandi's story as though she witnessed it herself and then she's screaming at Ken across the dinner table, "You're a big, stubborn, old man." 

Once again she brought up Ken and Lisa missing her daughter's graduation party, again. Minus 18. I have three words for you Kim. Let. It. Go.

Only in Beverly Hills is missing a party a federal offense. 

The one thing that annoyed me about Lisa tonight was her whining about the hotel room. Minus 13. We know you live in a mansion but suck it up for a night or two and share a regular bathroom with your husband. 

Puerto Rico was so darn beautiful. It was a shame to see so much proverbial blood in the water.

Episode total = -109!  Season total = -347!

So you tell us TV Fanatics, which Housewife is telling the truth?

Lines in the Sand Review

Editor Rating: 4.1 / 5.0
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Rating: 3.4 / 5.0 (9 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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