Days of Our Lives Round Table: Who Wants a Dimera Baby?

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Abigail's feeling queasy. Is it a case of the stomach flu or could there be an EJabby baby on the way?!?

Our TV Fanatics Nick McHatton and Christine Orlando are joined by Wendylou from MyHourglass,  a Days of Our Lives Fan Forum to discuss the return of John Black, Sonny's Kiriakis roots, and whether they want to see a Dimera baby.


Are you happy that John Black is back? 

Nick: If you had asked me months ago I probably would be happy, but now I'm just completely over John. His character has been trashed much like Bo has, and it's going to take a lot to redeem him. I'm glad Marlena let him have it.

Wendylou:  Honestly, no. I've never been a big fan and I really disliked him before he left. The way he treated Marlena was awful and the whole scheme he had to trap Kristen was ridiculous. I don't really see a reason for him to return. I don't see it being a big help to Brady either.

Christine:  Years ago I loved John and Marlena but now…yawn. John's back and I just don't care. He's mean and cold and uninteresting and it makes me sad. 

Do you want Abby to be pregnant? 

Nick: Yes! Because it accomplishes two things, it keeps EJabby going, and it kills the relationship between Sami and EJ.

Wendylou:  Absolutely not! I'm so tired of the unplanned pregnancy storyline. It's overdone. Although it would be kind of fun to watch Little Miss Perfect walk around town pregnant with EJ Dimera's child. Theresa and Anne could get a lot of mileage out of that.

Christine:  I'm completely torn over this one. It's a typical, contrived soap plot and we had it happen with Gabi not long ago. I also hate the heartbreak for Sami, EJ, and their family,  but wow! Talk about drama, angst and fireworks. A Dimera/Deveraux/Horton baby. The repercussions of that are huge and I'd kind of like to see it.

Sonny reminded Nick he was dealing with a Kiriakis. Do you think he should ask Uncle Victor for help in dealing with Mr. Fallon? 

Nick: Anything that gets Sonny to embrace his Kiriakis roots a little more sounds good to me. Victor has the connections and the experience needed to really give it to Nick.

Wendylou:  YES! I've been waiting for him to tell Victor about Nick. Someone needs to get the better of Nick and no one else seems to have the brains or cunning to do it. I'm tired of seeing Nick best everyone.

Christine:  Absolutely. I can't believe that EJ is letting this little weasel push him around. Sonny could learn a lot from uncle Victor and I've got my fingers crossed that he goes to him about this. The only down side is Nick's connection to Maggie. Victor would have to be careful but I'd still love to see him help Sonny take him down. 

Should Jordan stay or leave Salem? 

Nick: At this point, boring Jordan can take the first bus out of Salem. She's doing a lot of speeches about leaving, but none of them involve telling the whys of leaving.

Wendylou:  Oh! You mean Snordon??? As far as I'm concerned, she can hit the road. She's been on the show for months and I've yet to see a reason to care about her. It's one thing to introduce a character slowly or for suspense but there's no suspense here. The character and the story are just a drag.

Christine:  Snordon! I love it. It's so true. There's no reason to care about this character and Rafe is even more boring with her. I wish she'd actually leave Salem but I doubt we'll get that lucky. 

Were you surprised by Liam's outburst? 

Nick: Yes, I'm surprised he even got a breakup scene.

Wendylou:  Yes. I never saw any hint of his temper before. Seemed to come out of nowhere. Very uncomfortable.

Christine:  Yeah. You never really know someone until you see them angry and something tells me Liam can get scary. 

What was your favorite scene of the week.

Nick: Sonny playing it straight with Nick and holding no punches. I'm excited to see what happens next.

Wendylou:  Gosh, it's been a long week but I think my favorite scene was Nicole and Eric's kissing scenes at the end of Friday's show. They've been a long time coming.

Christine:  I loved the scene between Sami and Will joking about having a double wedding. Will, "Oh come on. We could sell tickets. Our big, gay Dimera wedding."  So funny. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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