Twisted Review: Coming Clean

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Charlie's true intentions became crystal clear on Twisted Season 1 Episode 18.

Despite the fact that nobody would believe Danny about Charlie, he did everything he could to prove it.

My title of the Twisted Season 1 Episode 17 review was "Single White Male" and, boy, was that on point! 

Charlie absolutely wants to have Danny's life. I only wish the counselor from juvie could've revealed more about Charlie's dangerous past. Still, it all came together this week.

If the blatant attempts at persuading Jo to out Danny weren't enough, the hidden pictures in Charlie's room and the fake fight totally did it.

Was anybody else reminded of the movie Fear when Mark Wahlberg punches himself over and over in the chest to make himself look like he got beat up? If you have not seen it, I highly suggest it.

Danny: He's good at that. He's good at twisting people like that.
Lacey: So what's he trying to get now?
Danny: I don't know, I just, I think, it might be crazy but I think he wants my life.

I'm glad Danny tried to at least confide in people, but sometimes you can shout something all you want and people won't believe you. Lacey and Jo both thought it was jealousy. 

I feel bad for Lacey. She's a little lost right now. Maybe she is attracted to Whitney but she's still not over her emotional attachment to Danny. At least Jo now knows it is very clear that Charlie is a little bit of a psycho stalker. 

When he told her he had been "dreaming about her," I was a little bit scared he would trap her in that room. I'm glad that she took a stand and said that what she cared about what telling the truth.

Speaking of the Mastersons, why do you think Vikram lied about Tess's adoption? That opens back up the possibility that maybe Whitney is her daughter after all. How does this all tie in to the main storyline?

Things have reached a fever pitch on Twisted and it looks like next week's finale looks like it's going to be wild. It's a good thing Danny came clean about everything to Kyle but I still think that Charlie will come after him.

Are you scared for Danny right now?

Danny, Interrupted Review

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Twisted Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

How good is this lawyer? Because I'm not letting an innocent man go to jail for something that I did.


I think you did it. Murdered him for the money and the chance to be with his wife.

Kyle [to Jack]