NCIS Review: The Relationship Whisperer

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Tony functioned as the "Dear Abby" of this NCIS episode, becoming the point man for all relationship issues. It was sweet, but a tad unsettling.

Meanwhile, the unique sort of sideways Case of the Week wasn't supposed to be case at all. 

On NCIS Season 11 Episode 20, Delilah went against her boss's strict orders - all because of her presumption that something wasn't right.

So okay, fine - it turns out her suspicions were correct and the CIA secret mission wasn't actually a mission at all, but a cover-up within a cover-up. 

There was no way she could have known that, and, in fact, she proceeded on the basis that Kit Jones was murdered. She figured no one cared enough in her office to investigate, which is why she ignored her boss' orders and took the case to Gibbs.

I didn't buy it. It doesn't seem possible that she could get away with such defiance without consequence. She should have been fired.

We're not talking about a regular workplace: she works for an intelligence agency and that means above all else that she has to maintain the discipline of her unit, regardless of any "gut feelings."

The right thing for her to do would have been to have an all-out discussion and argument with her boss, while understanding that, at the end of the day, her boss's orders were final.

Now, as for Tony... what role is he supposed to play in the unit? I get that he's got a lot of relationship wisdom which he's willing to share, but since when did he become the trusted confidante of everyone? 

Even McGee sought his help in figuring out how to approach Delilah in asking her to move in with him. And McGee would probably the last person who you'd think would ever do that. He tends to keep to himself.

When Delilah called, it wasn't made clear exactly why she didn't want to talk to McGee. She said she "didn't want to get him in trouble" - but what was supposed to happen to Tony? Was it okay for his career to go on the line for her? 

Later, she confided to him about the job opening in Dubai and moaned about the fact that she needed to broach the topic with McGee. It felt a bit like a soap opera at that point.

Finally, there was the one truly bright spot in the episode, where McGee made the mistake of patronizing his girlfriend:

McGee: Look you've only been back to work a week. Maybe you should slow down.
Delilah: Slow down?
Gibbs: Delilah, what he's saying is let us check it first. Right Tim?

Nice catch by Gibbs there. I really liked Delilah's raised eyebrow at Tim and, frankly, couldn't believe he actually said that to her.

Did you notice: Tim seems to say all the wrong things, while Tony says everything perfect to her? She wants to be a "James Bond" - which DiNozzo emphatically encouraged. He stroked her ego so much you could almost hear her purr.

I'm glad Tony isn't playing the bumbler anymore, but this? This is a little ridiculous. 

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there's some redeeming value to this intricate and involved episode. I'm not seeing it.  Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

UPDATE:  TVFanatic's NCIS Round Table is now up.  Come over, check it out and then provide your own answers to the questions!

Meanwhile, what about the plot hole with Delilah's insubordination?

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Douglas Wolfe was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He retired in 2016. Follow him on Twitter


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NCIS Season 11 Episode 20 Quotes

Jones: If I'd know you were coming I would have stayed and baked cookies.
Tony: Hey. I have to ask.
Jones: Brisco kept me so high I barely remember crawling out of that place on my hands and knees. I found a gun that he left behind and I hid in a storm drain across the street until the drugs got out of my system. Agent DiNozzo, if I was in on this, why would I risk coming back for Melody?

Jones: Agent McGee! We forgot witnesses. Any chance you two could help us out?
McGee: Absolutely.