The Americans Review: Mutually Assured Destruction

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The Jennings were active in the DC area for years without any problems, but their fortune may be running out.

On The Americans Season 2 Episode 10, they are at risk on multiple fronts and the worst part is they have no clue what's coming for them.

It's becoming increasingly likely that they will be discovered and either killed or forced into a compromising position.

With the war in Afghanistan, the funding of the Contras, the US stealth program and probably a bunch of other situations, the Soviets have moved into high gear and are relentless in their quest for answers and success. The Jennings and other agents are being put into more and more dangerous situations.

The attack on the Contras training base upset Larrick and he returned to the United States with a vengeance. He's out to get payback for the deaths. Will his actions be worth the photos that are being leaked through Latin American press? Or the pain and suffering that Philip has suffered from killing the young man? I doubt it. 

Of course, it's possible that Larrick will be discovered before he's able to find his target. If another operator shows up, Larrick could just kill them too. He has time on his side since he'll eventually hit on the right number unless they aren't home. He's a dangerous man who doesn't seem to have anything to lose.

Philip's insistence that Annelise could handle working Yousaf came back to bite him big time. He wanted to protect his wife and keep her from having to do the job. Instead of using her experience, he had newbie asset that he had recruited play a seasoned ISI agent. He was right that she was up to the task of seducing Yousaf and getting the in they needed, but he was wrong about whether she had the mental capacity to handle it.

When she attacked Philip and said he sold her out and made her a whore, she was right. It was just one more thing that was thrown in Philip's face about what he's doing. He hasn't wavered from his loyalty to his homeland, but it has to be coming. He tried to get out of the mission, but the Centre insisted. His soul is taking more hits than its able to handle.

The intertwining of Annelise's seduction of Yousaf and Elizabeth's killing of Javid was chilling. Who are these people and how far are they willing to go? It's an intelligence war and there doesn't seem to be any limit on what they will do to get ahead and win.

Given what Elizabeth and Philip do on a daily basis, the concern about Paige's future is intriguing. She wants Paige to be ready for the real world, but does Elizabeth even know what that means? It's frightening to think about Paige following in her parents' footsteps. Will she consider sending Paige to the Soviet Union? Is Young Pioneer camp favorable to Cedar Grove Fellowship camp?

On the American side, Gaad and Arkady came to an agreement over the two killings of their agents, but it certainly wasn't a permanent detente of any sort. In an odd twist, the FBI is investigating the murders of the KGB agents. Since the KGB hasn't gotten anywhere with their search, perhaps the FBI will get justice that Claudia and the Jennings so desperately want.

Will this investigation also force Nina's true loyalties to come out? Stan mentioned the investigation to her. If she's loyal to him, she won't mention it to Oleg. Since her Soviet lover would suffer if the truth comes out, it would be imperative for her to tell him if she's committed to him.

There's a lot going on and one wrong move could cost a life or break one's cover. 

Will Jared identify the Jennings in the sketches?

Yousaf Review

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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