Grey's Anatomy Review: The Next Step

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Tonight's penultimate episode of Grey's Anatomy Season 10 was the second-to-last time we'll see Cristina Yang at GSMH.

It's really happening, TV Fanatics. We are officially saying farewell to Dr. Yang next week. 

A Stunned Owen

Cristina interviewed several potential candidates for Dr. Russell's vacancy on Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 23. It was no surprise and completely clear that not a single person would ever be able to fill Yang's shoes. Owen totally called it when he said none of the doctors she met with could ever be her.

Crowen shared a very special moment as they kissed and he asked her not to leave him until she had to go. I know many of you are hoping we'll see more Crowen in the season finale, but I'm actually wondering if we'll be left with some memorable Meredith and Cristina scenes. I am going to miss their relationship so much.

We all know that it's incredibly hard to find your person in life and saying goodbye to your person is a nearly impossible task. What Cristina and Meredith have is so special, and maybe we can be wistful and hope that Cristina will make guest appearances and stay in contact with Meredith. 

Nonetheless, with Cristina gone, we would likely see Meredith continue to grow closer to Amelia. As Amelia opened up to Meredith about not wanting to leave Seattle, I couldn't help but feel entirely optimistic and glad there's a possibility that Amelia could play a bigger role next season (which has been confirmed by ABC!).

However, I didn't expect for Derek to show up and tell Meredith that he met with the POTUS and was offered a position at the NIH (which I had to look up and stands for the National Institute of Health). That's right - Derek thinks the next step for his family is to pack up and move to Washington, D.C. Somehow, I can't see this playing out. 

Meanwhile, Bailey was nearly in major trouble when Braden's parents were considering charging her with assault and battery. She came clean about proceeding with the deactivated-HIV procedure against their wishes, and they were very upset. It's a good thing Stephanie saved the day and took the fall while Braden's parents changed their minds. 

By the way, is it just me or does Bailey always get negative storylines? At least Ben finally made an appearance and was there for his wife.

Elsewhere, Japril tried to keep their pregnancy a secret but of course there are no such thing as secrets on Grey's Anatomy. It's only a matter of time until Jackson's mom finds out. How do you think she'll react? In fact, will Catherine return to reconcile with Richard before season's end?

It was sad when Callie broke down to April about finding out how she wouldn't be able to carry another baby. Calzona has had so many ups and downs throughout this season, and I actually liked that they both realized that they already had a beautiful life and daughter - and that could be enough. 

Other Thoughts:

  • I thought the magnetic butt hole medical case was kind of silly, but it made me laugh numerous times.
  • Where were the parents of the baby with the intestines on the outside of the body? So terrible and sad!
  • I loved when Callie told Jo to "check yourself before you wreck yourself". Check out our Grey's Anatomy quotes section for more unforgettable lines.
  • Who was surprised that Leah was the resident who got canned? I wasn't. 
  • I was really glad to see Alex back in the hospital. More importantly, it was nice to see how mature he is now and how quickly he owned up his jerk move with Arizona. 
  • Don't forget to return next week to chime in on our Grey's Anatomy Round Table.

Overall, "Everything I Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right" was a strong installment that is setting us up for what will likely be yet another remarkable season finale. I'm stoked. How about you?

Should Amelia stay in Seattle?

Here is your first look at Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 24:

Everything I Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right Review

Editor Rating: 4.3 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (126 Votes)
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Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 23 Quotes

Cristina: Did it work?
Bailey: Damn right it did.
Cristina: Up top!

  • Permalink: Up top!
  • Added:

Meredith: Now, look me in the eye and tell me this isn’t punishment.
Cristina: Thank you for this muffin.

Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 23 Music

  Song Artist
Song P.Y.T. Shelby Earl
Song Jump (For My Love) Brock Tyler
Tainted Love Claire Guerreso iTunes