Covert Affairs Review: In the Field

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What is Covert Affairs trying to do this season?

On an episode-to-episode basis, the hours have held my attention (despite the horrid Calder storyline). The problem with Covert Affairs Season 5 has been with the investigation into the Chicago CIA office bombing. While the case moves forward each week, it feels like it's just spinning in place.

The investigation continues to meander from suspect to suspect without much information being revealed. Why was the CIA office bombed? What was the purpose? What did the perpetrator gain from it?

When Nathan Mueller was identified as the man probably behind the bombing on Covert Affairs Season 5 Episode 7, I expected at least some insight into the action. Instead, he was presumably killed before we got any confirmation he was even involved.

He spouted some rhetoric about state sponsored terrorism and the horrific acts he committed while working for the CIA, but nothing indicated a specific reason why he would have targeted the secret CIA headquarters.  As a loner whose wife left him, he was in prime position to be turned, but we never found out if that's actually what happened.

If Mueller died on that ridge, it was a waste of Max Martini on the series. As a former CIA operative turned against his country, there's more that could have been done with the character. It's a shame if he's dead. Given Roger's phone call to Auggie, Mueller's actions need to be examined extensively, it's just whether Martini will be around to help explore it.

Annie and McQuaid risked their lives to get to Mueller, it remains to be seen whether their mission was a success. The drone strike could be considered a win, but is that enough? I don't think so. Unless computer and other items they collected turn up a new lead, they're left without a lead to follow.

Given the scrutiny the CIA is under from Hayley and her investigation, they need a win. A major win. Auggie's faux romance with Hayley is not going to help them at all now that she's suspicious of his intentions. It's never good to play with a woman's heart. Now that Natasha has left, will he begin to romance her again for real?

Auggie's never had a problem with the ladies, but I'm not sure he's even charming enough to win her over again. Besides, his loyalty will always be with Annie and Hayley has the means to destroy her career now. What a mess! I'm glad that the triangle situation moved forward quickly because it was believable only for so long. 

Unlike Calder's romantic mess, Auggie's has been full of tension, intrigue, and understandable feelings. I don't understand what the writers are doing with Calder. I hope there's more to the story than that he's an emotional wreck over a prostitute. Given the look he gave her when she got into the cab, it didn't appear to be anything more though. I'm not sure there's anything that can save that wreck of a storyline.

Speaking of relationships, the slow build up of trust between Annie and McQuaid has been well done. In the past, Annie's been quick to fall in love, so I'm glad to see her protect her heart literally and figuratively this season. He's proven that he will keep her secret and that he cares about her. He researched her condition! If they eventually kiss, it will be earned.

Is Nathan Mueller is dead?

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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