Covert Affairs Review: Rogue Once Again

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Well, that sucks!

Annie had a bad few days and they only got worse. No one denies she's a good operative, yet that wasn't enough for her to get the support of Joan or Calder. It shouldn't have been a surprise to either of them that she wouldn't take a desk job sitting down....

Instead of counting on her usual support system at the agency on Covert Affairs Season 5 Episode 8, Annie chose someone who saved her life and stood by her in Ryan McQuaid. Did that end up being a mistake? We'll have to see. I'm not ready to pin him as a bad guy or untrustworthy ... yet.

Annie once again went rogue, cut out the agency and trusted her own gut by following through on Roger's intelligence. It's difficult to fault her for what she did, at the same time, she deserved to be suspended. She kept important information from Joan and Calder, skipped out on her inquest without notice and ended up at the scene of Roger's death. 

As Covert Affairs has been known to do, the obvious path was not taken ... at least right away. Well, part of it didn't. Annie and Ryan spent the night talking and did end up kissing after all. I expected Ryan to offer her a job again, but that didn't happen. I still wouldn't count it out at some point.

Given the dog walker's visit to McQuaid, I have unexpected concerns with Caitlyn's call to Joan about Annie's rogue trip to the train station. At first, I assumed Caitlyn overstepped her bounds and tried to get Annie in trouble. Now that we know that Ryan has more invested in Roger's intelligence than we were let on, could he have instructed her to make that call?

It was a ballsy move if she did it of her own accord. Since she's suspicious (or jealous) of Annie's relationship with Ryan, I was sure it was her own decision and something she'd get chewed out about from Ryan. It's another mystery to be resolved another day, but an intriguing one.

Since Roger's intelligence about Ivan's lies and Mueller's innocence (at least with regards to Chicago) appeared to be spot on the Chicago case remains unresolved even if officially closed by the CIA. With Annie suspended, she'll be able to continue her investigation unhindered by the agency's bureaucracy, though without official support. She's put her life in danger before so that won't stop her this time either.

Annie has Auggie on her side and that's at least somewhat reassuring. In an odd twist, I wouldn't be surprised if Hayley ends up assisting them in their pursuit of the truth. Hayley's rant outside Auggie's apartment was honest and I don't think even he would dispute what she said. He used her as he has done with other women in the past. Though, she's all about finding out the truth about Chicago and that's all they want too.

Secrets are part of the business and everyone knows that. Joan has her Balkan secret, Calder has his hooker secret (who was thankfully absent this week), Ryan's running a secret operation with the dog walker, and even Annie and Auggie have their own secrets. As long as they don't hurt anyone, secrets are okay in their business. It remains to be seen whether or not Ryan's on the up and up or if he's part of the problem.

I hope he's trustworthy. It would make sense for Ryan to check on the person getting his $100,000, though if he's responsible for Roger's death then that's likely unforgivable. We'll have to wait to find out! There's only two episodes left this summer, so we shouldn't have to wait long.

Did Ryan betray Annie's trust?

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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