Days of Our Lives Round Table: Julie Goes Zen

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This week in Salem, Abigail confronted Sami…Again! Julie had some surprising words for EJ and Victor confessed all to Maggie as Sonny tried to intervene.

Our TV Fanatics Nick McHatton and Christine Orlando are joined by UnaVitaSegreta and Leila from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives Fan Forum to discuss Julie's turn around, EJ and Sami's date, and which character they'd like to see leave Salem permanently. 


Were you surprised by Julie's reaction to EJ?

Nick:   It's really surprising considering Julie's penchant for sticking her nose in things and making sure her side of family is forever in the right (even if they're not).

UnaVitaSegreta:  I was very pleasantly surprised. It is sad that new viewers dislike Julie because they've only seen her with Nick. Julie is an original character and, in my opinion, Susan Seaforth Hayes is the heart and soul of this show. Though SSH didn't play Julie in that first episode, she's been through everything that these current characters have and more. It was nice that the writers recognized that history.

Leila:  Yes but pleasantly surprised. I have really hated the way they have writing Julie over the coarse of the past year. Julie is a legacy character and was featured on the very first episode of Days of Our Lives, Julie and Doug were the first super couple of the show. I feel she should have a much more important role in the show than what they have given her the past 20 years.

Christine:  Wow! It was so refreshing to see Julie be understanding with EJ and not just hate him for being a Dimera. As said above, Julie has an amazing history and was the resident bad girl long before Sami was born. It's good to see her as more than the judgmental shrew we've been saddled with this year. 

Do you think Sami is done with her revenge against Abigail?

Nick:  She might be distracted with Stefano for now, and Abigail did give her some pretty good threats, but knowing Sami she still has more up her sleeve.

UnaVitaSegreta:  I think she still has too much anger. I'm not convinced she is done yet, though I wish she were! Sami has cheated too many times for me to have sympathy that she was finally the 'victim' rather than the cheater.

Leila:  I hope so. I was really enjoying Sami's revenge storyline went in started, however all this poor Abigail and evil Sami is really starting to get on my nerves. I have never been a Sami fan, but I found myself sympathizing more with her than the likes of Abigail or Will. So personally yes I would like this story to move on, although there is a part of me that would love for Sami to release the video she has of E.J. and Abigail in the shower. When Abigail was threatening to call Mr. Shin, Sami should have called her bluff and threatened to release the video.

Christine:  I hope she's done. Sami's got every right to be furious with Abigail but I think it's time to move on…especially since I can't stand having to hear anyone else defend poor innocent Abby. 

If you could lose one character from the show, who would you choose to leave Salem?

Nick:  Doctor Do Good Dan is the first on my list. I would gladly pay money to see Kristen, or literally anyone else, tie him up and ship him off to anywhere.

UnaVitaSegreta:  Daniel. I don't mind his character, but I dislike how he is involved in every story. Why did he need to be with Kristen for the first three weeks of her return? That whole plot felt contrived for him to be the hero yet again. If Daniel weren't used so much, my answer would have been Rafe.

Leila:  Without question Daniel, he is so propped I can't help but dislike him based on principle. Every time I see his face I just want to push the fast forward button. 

Christine:  Jordan! She bores me to tears and gets way too much air time. Worse yet, she's brought Rafe down to her level of boredom as though it's contagious. I don't care where they send her as long as it's out of Salem. 

Was Sami really giving EJ a second chance with their lunch date? Was EJ really looking to earn one?

Nick:  That was such a weird decision. I don't know if she was thanking him for calling the board, if she was merely doing it to keep him in check, or if she's back to having feelings for him. This storyline is so high and low.

UnaVitaSegreta:  I haven't cared much about their story, but this week intrigued me. Sami's emotions are so up and down that I don't think she knows what she wants. I do think EJ loves her and wants her back, but I also think he's an idiot because you shouldn't trust someone who steals your company and gets you arrested.

Leila:  Honestly I have no idea, at this point it is hard to predict what either one is capable of. 

Christine:  I hope so. Abby wasn't wrong when she said that they are both so twisted that they are perfect together. I also love the scenes when they talk about their kids so there is definitely a part of me that's rooting for them to reconcile. 

Who would you like to see Kate romantically paired with? Rafe, Clyde, Roman, Stefano or someone else?

Nick:  I don't really want to see her romantically attached to anyone. I enjoy watching Kate being herself and causing some mayhem/meddling in people's lives.

UnaVitaSegreta:  I am a Kate/Roman fan. I really enjoyed when they were together. Roman has been so pointless for a while now that I wish they'd put them back together. Since that's not happening, I don't mind Kate and Clyde. I think it's time someone else messed with Kate and tried to control her life for a while. Clyde seems very capable of that.

Leila:  Definitely, not Stefano. I never believed their relationship I just could not understand how Kate of all people could fall in love with a man who tried to have beloved Philip killed. I really like Kate and Rafe, but I don't know if I see them as a viable couple. I think there is potential with Kate and Clyde, I am interested to see where this goes.

Christine:  I dislike Clyde too much to want to see them paired together. Rafe & Kate are fun but have no future and I don't think Roman will ever accept Kate for who she is. Perhaps they can bring back Bill Horton because I'd love to see what he and Kate would be like as a couple now and there's certainly story potential for Bill in Salem since he has two children there (Jennifer and Lucas).

Was there one character or scene you found the most disappointing this week?

Nick:  Will continues to be annoying, and I'm hoping his character just takes a vacation so I can get past his incessant whining and blaming of other people.

UnaVitaSegreta:  I am disappointed by almost all Rafe and Jordan scenes. I think they are an incredibly boring couple and now that he's cheated I really don't care. Jordan might be interesting outside of Rafe.

Leila:  I would have to say Will. I hate how now that the article is out his main concern is how he hurt Abigail. What about his mother? I think his relationship with his mother should be much more important and valuable to him that his relationship with a cousin who never considered his feelings when she decided to sleep with his mother's fiancé. I also am over E.J.'s need to protect Abigail. The next time a Horton tries to confront him over his affair I want him to throw it in their face how aggressive Abigail was and all the times she went after him.

Christine:  I practically sleep through Jordan's scenes so it's hard to be disappointed but Will continued to annoy me. Has he always been this whiny and self absorbed? If he wants to be treated like an adult he needs to start acting like one and take responsibility for his own life.

What was your favorite story line or scene?

Nick:  Hope and Aiden getting closer in the park. Their chemistry continues to be amazing, and I'm glad they finally addressed the elephant in the room. Maybe now something can finally begin to happen between the two of them.

UnaVitaSegreta:  I enjoyed the Victor/Sonny/Will/Abigail/Maggie scenes revolving around the reveal of the magazine article. I love Sonny and Victor's relationship and seeing the soft side of Victor after having watched him do some horrible things over the years. I also adore Victor/Maggie and their love story, thus I enjoyed Victor's confession and how touched Maggie was that Sonny took up for him. It was even nice to see Abigail go after Sami and then Will. Her character can be a bit flat and boring, but I like that she's getting some fire in her.

Leila:  My favorite storyline was Sami's revenge, but honestly I am now kind of over it. I am also very disappointed in Kristin's return, it has been lack luster to say the least. I guess J.J. and Paige's budding romance is my favorite. I also kind of like Ben and Abigail, even though I currently can't stand Abigail but she is tolerable with Ben. Or maybe I just like Ben.

Christine:  It was a tie. Victor/Sonny/Maggie were wonderful. I was thankful that Maggie's anger didn't get drawn out and that she realized that Victor's intentions weren't all bad. It makes me wish Philip was back in the picture to have scenes with them all. The other was EJ and Julie. I was completely blown away by her attitude and it was great to hear her acknowledge her own history. I hope we get a lot more of this side of Julie. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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