Teen Wolf Review: Phoenix Rising

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Uh... huh? 

That's really the best I can muster from the reveal of the Benefactor on Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 9. So Meredith is the Benefactor because...Lydia's grandmother Lorraine drove her extra insane? Or was she already more "off" than Lorraine knew when she started testing her?

I'm sure you'll all point out exactly where I'm wrong and misunderstanding something, so feel free to pop in any time.

I'm all for cool reveals, but Meredith is really so limited in scope (as far as we know). I was expecting more. The best thing to say about her is how we were all kind of rooting for Meredith, sad that she died and she turns out to be the bitch killing everyone.

Lydia and Stiles working together again like old times was great to see. He even dug deep enough to get Lydia to realize the cipher to the code Lorraine left for her: Ariel.

Stiles: OK! What did you read?
Lydia: The Little Mermaid.
Stiles: You read that movie?
Lydia: It was a BOOK first. Hans Christian Anderson?

The whole thing about the Benefactor just feels difficult to swallow. I'm sure they'll wrap it all up nicely. Then again, they may leave it kind of oddly, like the Alphas storyline that was wrapped up way too fast considering the enormity of it all.

There was an interesting end to Eichen House's Brunski, who was being controlled by Meredith to do his bidding, thus the 10 recent suicides at the facility. Was that a tear that streamed down the side of his face just before he died? I kind of hope not because that would mean he might have had a heart before Meredith took control. Awwww.

I think we know why Derek's name is no longer on the list and why he was a cipher. While he didn't die, the supernatural side of him seems to have done so. That must be good enough for Meredith. By the same token, Liam's clout went up because he survived the Berserkers. Surely Kira's moved up a notch, as well.

The best part of the night was with Parrish. We open on him stuck in a sheriff's vehicle with gasoline tossed on him by fellow deputy Hank, trying to score some case from the pool. Parrish went up like a Christmas tree.

Parrish: Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?
Derek: Psychic?
Parrish: Yeah.
Scott: Not exactly.
Parrish: OK then, what are you?
[Scott replies with blazing red eyes.]

It's great that he still doesn't know what kind of supernatural he is and that the others can't either. I can't take any credit, but DJ Cole Plante from the Teen Wolf After Show decided he figured it out and it not only makes sense, it made Jeff Davis bristle uncomfortably. 

With the whole new opening sequence and rising from the ashes and Parrish strolling naked, covered in ashy residue, back into the Sheriff station to punch the life out of Hank, Plante suggests a Phoenix. How perfect is that? Whether Parrish can only survive fire or if he can survive any death, we'll have to find out. The legend of the Phoenix is imperfect. Many times it's just flames and other times they decompose and come back to life. 

Come to think of it, Meredith was a bit of a Phoenix, too, since she rose back up from what we thought were ashes. I think we have a title, folks!

Do you think the gang will tell Peter who the Benefactor is so he can try to get his money back? Or even help in some way? How does Kate fit into any of this? How do you see the rest of this story playing out? Share your thoughts in the comments. 

If you want to catch up on any installments you missed or just view 'em again, don't forget you can watch Teen Wolf online any time via TV Fanatic!

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Parrish: Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?
Derek: Psychic?
Parrish: Yeah.
Scott: Not exactly.
Parrish: OK then, what are you?
[Scott replies with blazing red eyes.]

Parrish: I was set on fire. All of me should be gone.
Scott: Not if you're like us.
Parrish: Like you?
Derek: I don't think he's like us.
Lydia: Then what is he?
Derek: I'm sorry, but I have no idea.