Red Band Society Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Sole Searching

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What's your best memory? That's what Dr. McAndrew asked Jordi to think about as he was put under for his surgery in Red Band Society Season 1 Episode 2.

One of mine might be Nurse Jackson's response to Kenjis' monkey love theory. When monkeys were given two pseudo-parents, one who gave them food and the other who gave them hugs, they frequently chose the one who gave them hugs first. 

That's all well and good but Nurse Jackson's response was spot on. Starving monkeys die. Of course monkeys who get no hugs at all may turn out to be the primate version of Kara, so there are drawbacks all around. 

Despite her over the top sarcasm, Kara may turn out to be my favorite character. Of course, #OverTheTop seems to be a theme in her life. Her moms most certainly were. And it was obvious that Daniella, the former nanny has more affection for Kara than her actual mother as seen in this Red Band Society quote

Daniella: I do know one thing. You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
Kara: Don't be Winnie the Pooh-ing my ass. I'm not five years old anymore.
Daniella: That is true but you'll always be my Kara-bear.

I'm a sucker for a Winnie the Pooh quote. But as entertaining as Kara's entitled Mom was during this episode, I hope we don't see a lot of her in the future. A little goes a long way.

Speaking of which, I feel the same way about Charlie's voice overs. I don't really see the need to be told what everyone is feeling. The actors and the writers should lead me there on their own. But right now, there isn't really another need for Charlie. I'm assuming his story is leading somewhere but it's not obvious as of yet. 

Emma and Kara took baby steps toward friendship. Baby steps may be all Emma is physically capable of if she doesn't start to eat something. I couldn't believe that Brittany let her do her weigh in with all of those clothes on but Brittany is on her own learning curve here. 

Jordi's surgery took a completely unexpected turn. I couldn't believe that Dr. McAndrew told him he didn't lose his leg but didn't break the rest of the news to Jordi. It seemed kind of cruel to leave the kid thinking he was going to be OK only to come back later to inform him that his cancer had actually spread.

Leo's drunken party binge was really quite sad. On some level he was thrilled to have someone who was going to be like him. Someone he could support through the process. Someone who could make him feel not so alone. 

So when Jordi got to keep his leg, Leo was devastated. And what I can only assume is due to doctor / patient privilege, no one could tell him that this was because Jordi's cancer had spread and was more serious than they'd realize. 

I was left with a few questions at the end of this episode. If Jordi's grandmother doesn't believe he has cancer and they need her OK to go further with his treatment, who signed off on this surgery in the first place? And will we be seeing the parents of all the other kids on the ward?

And as sweet as giving another patient their Red Band is as a bonding moment, isn't it kind of dangerous to wear someone else's hospital ID bracelet?

What did you think of the second installment of Red Band Society? Remember that you can watch Red Band Society online any time you need to catch up.

Sole Searching Review

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Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (19 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Red Band Society Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

You can't let a little bald head interfere with your job. We got a lot of little bald heads running around this place.

Nurse Jackson

You put your pants on one leg at a time. I mean it's such a basic concept it's literally an expression. It means your just like anyone else, except for me and Jordi. We're not like anyone else.
