A to Z Season 1 Episode 4 Review: D is for Debbie

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There comes that point in a relationship, when the bubble has to be popped and reality kicks in. On A to Z Season 1 Episode 4, that moment happened for Andrew and Zelda. 

We got to really see where Zelda came from and who her family was when the aunt, but not really her aunt, who raised her, passed away. 

The episode had a much more serious tone than the rest, but it managed to keep the light-heartedness that it has had from the beginning, thanks to the characters. 

Cristin Milioti was the true star of the episode as we watched her go through emotion after emotion as she dealt with her aunt's death. She was the straight-laced member of a chaotic, yet entertaining, family. She had a full-on emotional breakthrough with Andrew over the death, and she even had a number of laughs amidst the sadness. 

One time she flicked a cab driver off and cut him off. I had never seen that before. I liked it.


It all culminated to her "eulogy" in lawyer-mode, as Andrew called it. It was definitely the highlight of the episode to watch Zelda turn a eulogy into an opening/closing statement from court. To watch Zelda begin with a description of her aunt that was so straight forward, I can only imagine how painful the other 12 minutes were for that happy bunch of people Zelda calls family.

At Wallflower, Big Bird decided to use temptations to try and fire some employees. Of course, Stu was the first culprit, who spent the rest of the episode trying to stay hired. He even had alternative plans for what to do if he did get fired. 

You're going to have to do it [eulogy] for me because I am currently smelling colors.

Uncle Dave

I almost wish that the entire story was focused on Stu wanting to leave a mark at Wallflower, rather than finding a way to stay hired. Because the shrimp around the office was an entertaining bit to watch. It also proved how much of a comic relief Stu is to the series. While Andrew is all romantic and Zelda is very serious, Stu is the guy to make you laugh episode to episode.

I'm still trying to figure out how I feel how Dinesh and Lora, at Wallflower, because they are sort of just...there. There haven't been any significant storylines with them yet and their personalities don't stick out nearly as much as the rest of the characters, even Big Bird.

Big Bird's honey-trap plan was a good addition to the episode. The fact that the idea came full circle with Stu at the funeral was a fun connection. It was also entertaining to watch Big Bird get honey-trapped (twice) herself by Corporate.

One of the eternal questions of the series will be how did Stephie actually fall for Stu's trick and sleep with him because I can't see him being that charming to get her to fall hard for him. However, they do make a good tag-team and have a interesting back and forth that's fun to watch.

Show some respect. A woman of some relation to Zelda is dead.


As always, Andrew and Zelda are still the cutest new couple on TV. Andrew was so supportive of Zelda and even wanted to help her become closer to her family because he felt a connection to them.

All of these people talking about their feelings, it's kind of my jam.


How could you not want to continually say "awwww..." as Andrew promised to be there for her or when Zelda finished the episode jamming out with her family on the piano? Did anyone else wish you could buy that song online? They are such a sweet couple and I love watching them week to week as they get to know each other. 

I'm not going anywhere. 'Cause in 2 weeks, I get my wisdom teeth out and I need you because I am not good with pain


I'm just hoping there is some good news at the end of the 8 months.

Do Stu and Stephie make a good team? Do you wish you could hear all 12 minutes of Zelda's eulogy? What was the best honey-trap by Big Bird?

If you want to see how far Andrew and Zelda have come, make sure you check out the series from the beginning when you watch A to Z online via TV Fanatic.

D is for Debbie Review

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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (8 Votes)

Mary Kate Venedam is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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A to Z Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

You're going to have to do it [eulogy] for me because I am currently smelling colors.

Uncle Dave

I'm not leaving unless it smells like a dead mermaid.
